  • 學位論文


Research of Taiwan Salt Industry Culture Landscape - A case study on Chiku saltern

指導教授 : 林曉薇


自1992年12月世界遺產委員會將「文化景觀」定位為世界性策略以來,國際間逐漸重視「文化景觀」的發掘與保存,加上近年來針對「產業遺產」的重視,台灣文資界也逐漸針對兼具「文化景觀」與「產業遺產」之「產業文化景觀」,進行普查與指定,在台灣眾多案例之中,台南縣七股鹽場即是具代表性案例之一。 台灣西南沿海地勢地窪平坦,數百年來地景變化大,加上台灣開發始於南瀛地區,使得西南沿海地區無論是自然資源或是人文資產,皆是台灣蘊藏最為深厚之處;在這眾多資源(產)中,始於明鄭時期的製鹽行業,早將人民與土地緊緊環扣在一起,是西南沿海地區影響人們最為深遠的行業之一,尤其七股鹽場更是台灣戰後僅存六大鹽場之中,最具規模且兼具多項價值之案例。 本研究將由理解聯合國教科文組織所推動的「文化景觀」保存觀念,藉由兼具「產業遺產」與「文化景觀」特色與保存要件,再透過台灣鹽業發展脈絡,分析七股鹽場在台灣鹽業發展過程中的特殊地位,並探討七股鹽場本身獨特條件與代表性,最後透過文化資產、濕地生態等面向提出保存意義與特色,並提出相關保存建議與後續研究之看法,期許能為台灣增加一處能登「世界遺產」舞台之潛力點。


文化資產 文化景觀 產業遺產 鹽場 濕地


Since December 1992, the World Heritage Committee positioned Cultural Landscape, the increasing awareness of global community’s effort to protect and preserve has been great. The recent awareness influenced Taiwan’s Heritage Committee to focus on the research of local Cultural Landscape and Industrial Heritage. Throughout many important Cultural Landscape sites in Taiwan, Chiku saltern became one of the most significant case studies. Taiwan’s southwest coastal geography is a flat geo-depression. For hundred of years, Taiwan’s landscape changes dynamically. Taiwan’s foremost social and humanity development began at the southwest coastal region. Therefore, this region is rich in explored nature resources, and development of cultural heritage and humanity. During the declin of Ming dynasty, the development of salt business was one of the most important industry to the people in the southwest coast region. After War World II, Chiku Salinas still remain as one of the largest and most valuable cultural landscape sites. The thesis is based on the concept of UNESCO’s(United Nations Education、Scientific and Cultural Organization)effort to protect and preserve cultural landscape. In this thesis, the integration of industrial heritage and cultural landscape’s philosophy serve as a major tool to explore and study on Taiwan’s Chiku saltern development. Throughout the cultural heritage, wetland, ecology, and many more UNESCO’s unique philosophy, the thesis provides valuable information on the need to protect and preserve Chiku saltern in the future. Finally, the Chiku saltern is an important cultural landscape to the people in Taiwan, and has the potential to become a great cultural landscape to one of the world heritage.


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(3) 李桂蜜、邱秋娟、林毓茹譯,《知性之旅11-菲律賓》,時報文化出版企業股份有限公司,2007年5月
(4) 陳其澎,<以身體經驗為導向台灣文化地景觀察的初擬架構>,《2002中原大學室內設計系學術研討會論文集-重構空間文化:多元與差異》,中原大學室內設計系出版,2002年,pp.91-108
(4) 行政院內政部民政司寺廟一覽表
(6) 行政院內政部民政司網站


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