  • 學位論文


Discourse Analysis of Team Discussion in Web-based Problem-Based Learning

指導教授 : 楊坤原


討論是學生交換知識、分享心得的重要學習過程,在學生的學習中,除了教導學生吸收新知外,更重要的是能夠了解學生的學習狀態,進而增進學習的效果。本研究旨在應用「問題本位學習」理論,輔以「問題本位學習網路聊天室」(Problem-based learning Network Chatroom, PBLNC),探討大四學生的在「資料庫應用」課程表現。為了解學生在網路學習的溝通歷程,實施單元「通訊錄」,探討在「問題本位學習」下,學生線上學習討論歷程。 為達上述目的,本研究採用立意取樣法,以直接觀察、問卷調查以及半結構式晤談進行資料蒐集。本研究以桃園縣某一所私立大學資訊工程學系四年級學生為研究對象,以專家測驗之分數為依據,使用S 型分組將研究對象分成6個異質性學習小組,在學習過程中使用「問題本位學習」教學模式與教學流程並輔以「問題本位學習網路聊天室」收集學生在三個月中參與對話的討論記錄,取其中一組對話討論過程,利用是語用學(Pragmatic)與語意學(Semantic)兩種理論做基礎來分析對話討論內容,探討學生在問題本位學習的討論歷程。 研究者分析對話內容後發現,學生在語用學的表現上,小組分工合作所扮演的角色有所不同,在不同的討論時段討論頻率有所差異溝通模式亦不太相同,而在語意學方面同組成員所表達的內容與所用到的討論技巧亦在一開始和最後面的討論是以認識運思的討論技巧作回應,至中間才開始有論證運思表達自己的想法意見。最後歸納出研究發現並針對研究結果提出建議,以供未來做為其他教育學者之參考。


Discussion is a good way for students exchanging their idea and finding out the solution of a problem. Understanding the students’ learning status is important to increase the learning effect in learning process. The object of this study is to use problem-based learning which is adaptable to database system of forth degree in department of Information Computer Engineering. According to this system, this study also uses the internet to establish the problem-based learning Network Chatroom(PBLNC) to discuss the process of team discussion by address book. In order to get the purpose, this study applies the purposive sampling method, questionnaire, and semi-structured interview to collect the experimental data. The research sample of this study uses a fourth-year database course of university in southern area of Taoyuan, Taiwan. All of the students have divided into six groups. The analyzing methods of this paper adopt both quantitative and qualitative researches. In the process of this study, it uses problem-based learning teaching model, teaching process, and the PBLNC to collect the experimental data in three months. Finally, the study adapts the “Pragmatic" and the“Semantic" to analyze the teams’ discussion records and the individual notes to discuss the process and the performance of the objects. After analyzing the content by Pragmatic, it is found that the interaction frequencies are different and each student has his role in a group. According Semantic analysis, students use epistemic operations in the beginning and the end, and shows argumentative operations during the process. Based on the results, this study will provide the suggestion and improvement in order to be the reference to other educators and researchers.Based on the results, this study will provide the suggestion and improvement in order to be the reference to other educators and researchers.




