  • 學位論文


An Assessment of Core Resources in Museum Sustainable Operation

指導教授 : 李正文


近年來,博物館在面臨社會環境變遷、人口質量結構問題等因素影響下,博物館在經營上已經愈來愈困難,由於博物館為一座充滿豐富和各種不同資源的場所,唯有長久建立出獨樹一格的特色,鞏固或累積競爭者無法模仿之核心資源,才是博物館在面臨不確定的環境下可行之道。因此,無論是博物館本身或者政府及相關機構都必須思考如何善用並維持資源,除了能使博物館永續經營外,更期望能帶給人民更多福利。 本研究欲探討博物館在面臨競爭激烈、資源減少的情況下,找尋出其所重視的核心資源為何,而針對這些核心資源來進行分析,進一步提出方案來達到永續經營的目標。首先,本研究藉由相關文獻釐清觀念後,將博物館之內部資源分為五大主要構面,接著詳述博物館核心資源之相關評估因素。然後擬定專家問卷並予發放施測,共回收37份研究樣本。最後運用模糊層級法分析所得資料,挑選出五大構面中之重要的核心資源。 研究結果顯示:博物館欲達永續經營時,最重要的資源構面為實體資產 (0.2831),其次為組織能力 (0.2246);而在評估準則方面,實體資產中以藏品豐富 (0.4391) 的權重值最高;財務資產中以政府補助 (0.5429) 的權重值最高;而無形資產中最重視品牌形象 (0.4980);組織能力則是創新能力 (0.3775) 最高;個人能力則是最重視領導能力 (0.3933)。 本研究結論指出,如果博物館想要永續經營的話,必須把重心放在蒐羅形形色色的藏品,以累積本自的獨特核心資源,政府不宜再興建新的博物館,宜將經費撥付予舊有的博物館,以增加博物館的經營品質,而博物館組織內部應集思廣益,不斷地創新,呈現給觀眾新的商品或活動,在領導有方的館長經營下,持續地建立出屬於博物館的品牌形象,若能善加利用上述之核心資源,博物館便能長期的經營運作下去。


In recently years, museum operation is getting more difficult because of the changing social environment as well as structural changes of population in both quality and quantity. Museum is a place where there is abundant and various resources. Therefore, museum must create its own distinctive features and strengthen core resources that others do not have in order to sustain in an uncertain environment. In addition to museums, the government and related agencies must think how to keep resources to make museums sustainable and to offer more welfare to the public. It is the main purpose of this research to disclose core resources of museums in facing intense competition and scare external recources. By analyzing those core resources, this research proposes methods to achieve sustainable operation. After clarifying concepts, the paper divides the core resources of museums into five aspects and explains in great detail the related evaluation factors. The returned questionnaire in analyzed by the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy AHP) approach. The results show that the most important two aspects for sustainable operation are tangible asset (0.2831) and organizational capability (0.2246). As for evaluation criteria, abundant collection is weighted the highest under the tangible asset; while government subsidy (0.5429) is the highest under the financial asset. Brand image (0.4980) is the key factor under the intangible asset while innovation capability (0.3775) is the highest under the organization capability. Personal capability (0.3993) is the important leadership capability. Based on the findings, this research indicates that museum should put more focus on collections and accumulate its own distinctive core resource in order to sustainable operation. It would be better for the government not to build more museums and appropriate the budget to current museums to improve the quality of operation. Museums should innovate by collecting wisdoms internally and to ofeer new commodities and activities to audiences. In addition, it is important to display effective leadership among top management and to establish disticitive brand name.




