  • 學位論文


The Executive Probity Influence Assessment on the Defense Procurement Organization

指導教授 : 陳筱琪


摘 要 本研究關注議題在於主管廉潔與組織表現之間的影響關係。特別是近年企業及政治組織的所秉持的公共信任(public trust)正逐漸消失與減弱,故領導理論中的倫理議題已逐漸為社會所關心,尤其,領導者的道德行為常會影響組織倫理氣候的營造與員工行為之參考依據。因此當領導者的道德廉潔(moral integrity)受到質疑時,縱使領導方式崇高,也無法激勵部屬為願景的實現而努力。故本研究期望深入探討領導者道德行為與權力運用對組織管理實務上之影響。 國防採購為中央政府總預算支出之強項,故如何有效運用獲得的資源,達到國防建設之需求,是國防採購對國家安全及整體經濟發展的關鍵指標。其中,主管之道德與權力行為,將對資源運用效能有深切影響。因此,本研究嘗試針對國防採購組織內主管為達成組織目標時,其對相關之資源分配、作業時間之掌控與績效之達成與員工對其內部管理上倫理判斷之差異程度,探討「主管廉潔」、「組織忠誠」與「組織承諾」相互間的關係,並評估「主管廉潔」對國防採購組織的影響。 本研究透過文獻探討、專家訪談之方式確立各評估準則之立論基礎,並以國防採購及工程事務單位的組織成員為研究對象;再來,採用決策實驗室分析法(Decision Making Trial and Evaluation ; DEMATEL)作為研究方法,分析「主管廉潔」等構面項下所屬各變量間之相互依存與制約關係,以探討各構面間之因果關聯性。 研究發現「主管廉潔」主要影響組織員工之情感式表現,尤以「情感性承諾」最大,「情感式忠誠」次之。而「理想式忠誠」雖然與其它構面準則間元素沒有特別之影響與被影響關係,經由關係矩陣之行列運算,得知「理想式忠誠」是具有導致程度最高的元素。在「整合社會契約論」的分析觀點下,明白指出組織管理者在做決策時,道德的決策仍應在實證與環境下做評估考量,以達妥適與周延。在部屬與主管的互動方式上,顯示存在因果關係及差序性質,若主管領導行為與個人道德操守向度展現正面而有讚賞之處,則組織成員較能回饋正面之態度。若主管領導行為與個人道德操守向度若展現較多負面而有諸多可議之處,組織成員則可能無法展現其積極回報的心態。


Abstract This study emphasized on relationship between manager’s integrity and organizational performance. Recently, public trust of enterprises and government organizations has been on the wane. Ethic issue is more concerned by the society. Especially, the managers’ ethic would influence organization culture and employee behavior. Manager could not lead the minions to organization goal and vision when the managers’ moral integrity has been challenge. Therefore, this research discussed the influences of managers’ moral integrity and authority on organization management. National defense procurement has been major proportion of government yearly budget. The efficiency of disturbing resource, which related on the moral integrity of managers, is critical index for national security and economic development. For this reason, the study took national defense procurement departments to be example for investigating the relationship among “manager’s integrity,” “organizational loyalty,” and “organizational commitment”. Three research methods are used for data collection, which include literature review, expert interview, and general survey. Moreover, the method of Decision Making Trial and Evaluation; DEMATEL) is used to analyze the interdependence and restraints among variables subject to “manager’s integrity” and other constituents, with which relationship among each constituents has been discussed within this study. The results of this study indicate that “manager’s integrity” effects vastly on organization performance in affection, including “affection commitment” and “affection loyalty”. “Ideal loyalty”, though has been no influence on them specifically, shall be the most incentive to other constituent principles via assessment with the matrix of total relation. From “integrative social contracts”, the research found that manager would make decision with experience and situation analysis in ethic. The moral integrity and ethic concept of manager would relate with organization performance and employee attitude. Manager concerned ethic would let employee have good performance and positive attitude.


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