  • 學位論文


Competitive Advantage Strategy of Latecomer:Leading IC Design firms

指導教授 : 陳筱琪


產業環境充滿高度變動的不確定性,企業雖仍不斷深化本身的核心能耐,但若無法與外在變動的環境有良好的配適度,企業依舊難以競爭,尤其對於產業後進者而言更甚之。因此,產業後進者須評估先進者所處的產業特性,了解其先發優勢,再配合其自身核心能耐發展後進者策略獲取產業生存空間;基於此,本研究欲針對後進者發展策略過程所需考量之產業條件與競爭優勢進行分析。 IC設計產業具有產品生命週期短、技術快速更新、研發費用增高等現象,及成本控制、掌握專利權與連接晶圓廠緊密程度等先發者優勢,因此,本研究以IC設計業為研究對象,分析IC設計後進者在資源有限下,應優先考量的關鍵競爭條件,藉此了解最適的後進者策略,及不同競爭策略類型下考量的關鍵條件。其中,本研究採取層級分析法探討後進者所考量的產業競爭條件,以發展後進者最適策略,並分別探討後進者不同策略類型及經營時間長短的後進者的產業關鍵競爭條件與其共識程度。其中,藉由文獻探討及專家深度訪談,整理出後進者制定策略過程中考量的產業競爭條件,並以層級分析法建立層級架構,分為五大構面,共19項評估準則,做為分析依據。 研究結果顯示,就整體而言,後進廠商最策略發展決策中,最重視的關鍵競爭構面為本身核心能耐,其次依序為市場機會、產業彈性、科技完整性,最後為政府與法令;其中,尤以企業資源與核心能耐必須具有價值性、不可替代性、稀少性為發展基礎,再配合產業特性中的產業分割程度、科技強度、網絡外部性做為策略規劃之考量。企業針對「不同策略類型」分析中得知兩點:(1)不同策略類型下,仍考量共同關鍵競爭準則為價值性、產業分割程度、網絡外部性、科技強度及稀少性;(2)不同策略類型,優先考量的關鍵競爭條件有所不同,差異化策略,以資源不可替代性為主;低成本策略,以顧客消費傾向明確度為主;集中差異化策略以資源不可替代性、先進者產品創新速度為主;集中低成本策略以市場控制力為主。從後進者經營時間長短為分析軸有三點發現:(1)不同經營時間長短其優先考量的關鍵競爭構面有所不同:經營時間較長的後進者最重視的關鍵競爭構面為市場機會及產業彈性,經營時間較短的後進者為核心能耐及市場機會;(2)如前所述,其所優先考量的關鍵競爭條件有所不同:經營時間較長的後進者以市場成長及市場控制力為優先考量;經營時間較短的後進者以不可替代性及先進者產品創新速度為優先考量;(3)其共同關鍵競爭準則有:價值性、進入障礙高低、科技強度、顧客消費傾向明確度、產業分割程度及網絡外部性。因此,本研究結果得知兩點:(1)在面對不同情境時,廠商共同認知關鍵競爭條件為產業生存條件;(2)不同情境下,不論是策略選擇或經營時間成熟度之不同,代表企業考量之產業競爭優勢與條件有異。


Abstract The enterprises would have strengthened core competence constantly to highly uncertain industry environment. There are tough to compete without co-ordination to environment, especially for the latecomers. Therefore, latecomers have to estimate industrial characteristics which first-comers had located in order to know the first advantage. After that, latecomers develop the strategy according to the core competence of latecomers for surviving in industry competition. The research purposes to investigate the industrial conditions and competitive advantages of latecomer strategy making process. There is short product life cycle, changeable technology, and high R&D expenses in global IC design industry. Additionally, IC design firms in Taiwan also need to face first mover advantage, such as cost advantage、patents controller and intimate relation with foundry etc.. Consequently, IC design firms are taken to be target in this research. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is adopted to analyze the critical competition factor and adaptable strategy of latecomers. In additional, there is comparative analysis of strategy group and operation years. The hierarchical framework, including five dimensions and nineteen criteria, is established with expert interview and references collection, This thesis reveals that latecomers developing strategy first emphasis on the major competitive factors is own core competence, then the market opportunity, industrial elasticity, the integrity of technology and government and law. Among these dimensions for developing latecomer strategy, there is basic to have core competence with value, insubstitutability and rareness, then, coordinated in the degree of industry fragmentation, technological intensity, and network externalities. With analysis the consideration factors of different strategy groups, there are found two appearances: (1) Different strategy groups have the common key competitive factors: resource value, the degree of industry fragmentation, network externalities, technological intensity, and resource rareness; (2) Differentiation Strategy—insubstitutability; low cost strategy-- Customer Orientation; differentiation focus Strategy—insubstitutability and first movers’ product innovation speed of; low cost focus strategy—market control Additionally, there are found latecomers also have different competition considerations based on the length of operation years. Finally, there are two major results in this research: (1) Common key competitive advantages in various industry situations are industry survival conditions; (2) There are different key success factors under the different condition for latecomers.


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