  • 學位論文

3G 行動通訊加值服務品質之評估

Evaluating Service Quality for Value-Added Service in 3G Mobile Communication

指導教授 : 胡宜中


隨著行動電話市場的開放與電信業者的自由化,行動電話已成為國人日常 生活中的一部份。電信業經過合併與清理門號等動作後,使得手機門號普及率 逐步下滑,直至行動通訊 3G 開始營運後才又使其攀升,而3G 行動通訊系統 其寬頻快速上網的服務,使國人除了利用電腦上網之外,也愈來愈能接受其不 受時間與地點限制的手機行動上網服務。然而,現今電信業者的營收已不單只 於通信服務,創新與豐富的加值服務於電信業者的營收中已佔有一席之地。電 信業者為取得收益與市佔率紛紛推出玲琅滿目的加值服務以爭取顧客,但面對 市場的競爭環境及為求強化市佔率,電信業者應該重視對顧客的服務品質,並 從中了解顧客所需及最重視何種服務,並加以改善,如此才能真正的滿足消費 者的需求,進而提升消費者使用之忠誠度。因此,建構適合電信業者加值服務 品質的架構為相當值得探討的議題。故本研究採用模糊積分計算加值服務於構 面與準則之績效值,並以模糊測度分析關鍵構面與準則。本研究的目的在於分 析顧客所重視的構面與準則並提出相關建議,以提供電信業者提升服務品質的 參考。 經實證研究結果發現,各家電信業者的消費族群與學生族群均最為重視「隱 私性/安全性」; 31-40 歲群族之消費者則最重視「效率」及「保證性」。而台灣 大哥大於各構面、準則及其整體滿意度上大多為滿意,與中華電信與遠傳電信群 大多為非常滿意相比,是較需要改善的。各個關鍵構面之權重與其績效值的表現 較不一致,這表示各家電信業者大都未在消費者認為較為重要的構面與準則上有 較佳的表現,因此,各家電信業者於關鍵構面滿意度上之提升仍有其改進空間。


As the mobile phone market open and the telecommunication industry liberalization, the mobile phone has become a part of people in daily life. After merging and cleaning up cell phone numbers, the telecommunications industry causes the rate glide down gradually, it climbs after 3G mobile communication operating. But its broadband network service causes people to accept it which bridle time and place besides useing computer. However, the telecommunication industry's earning not only in the telecommunication service now, the innovation and rich value-added service held a space. For obtaining the income and market share rate, the telecommunication industry promote more and more value-added services to win over the customer. But face the environment competition and strengthen the market shares, the telecommunication entrepreneur should emphasis on service quality of customers, and understood the customers need, and emphasis what kind of service and improve. So, it can satisfy consumer's demand, then promote loyalty of the consumer use. Therefore, the construction suits the telecommunication industry to add the value-added service quality the construction for the subject which quite is worth discussing. This research uses the fuzzy integral to compute the performance value of aspects and criterions, and by fuzzy measure analysis key aspects and criterions. The objective of this study aims at analyzing the aspect and criterion of service quality for customers and proposed the suggestion to provide the industry to promote the service quality. In empirical verification, the telecommunication industry’s group and the student’s group pay more attention to private/security, 31-40 group pay attention tothe efficiency and assurance. But TaiwanMobile in each aspect, criterion and the overall satisfaction mostly is satisfaction, mostly for satisfies extremely with the Chunghwa and the Fareastone compare, is needs to improve. Weight of if each key aspect the achievements performance value is inconsistent, this expressed the telecommunication industry the consumer had not thought mostly in the more important aspects and the criterions has the good performance, therefore, the telecommunication industry the promotion still had its improvement space in the key aspect of satisfaction.


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