  • 學位論文


The Study of Gas Phase Adsorption Equilibrium of Graphene Aerogels for Volatile Organic Compounds

指導教授 : 鍾財王


在現今的社會,居住得舒適以及安全都是人們一再追求的目標,然而要注意的不僅是家具擺設、燈光照明、環境便利或是社區治安,更有些看不見的危害可能在影響著我們的健康。   室內的揮發性有機化合物就具備著這樣的特性,高揮發性、高毒性,很容易地就從家具、室內裝潢、建築塗料、清潔劑等逸散至空氣中,輕則頭暈、嘔吐,重則影響神經系統或具有致癌性,甚至即使是使用多年的家具也都還有可能會有揮發性有機化合物的產生,因此如何避免室內揮發性有機化合物對人體的影響也是一個備受關注的議題。   本實驗即選擇吸附的方式去除室內揮發性有機化合物,其優點在於簡單操作、低成本且可以重複使用;本研究也成功自行製備出了比表面積為96.16 m2/g、平均孔徑為3.62 nm、孔體積為0.094 cm3/g的石墨烯氣凝膠,選定由環保署列出的12種室內揮發性有機化合物中的甲苯與四氯化碳作為吸附質,並證明了石墨烯氣凝膠的吸附效果比一般活性碳還更為有效,表示石墨烯氣凝膠有望成為新型的強力吸附材;在回歸分析的部分,所有的等溫吸附曲線也都與Langmuir等溫吸附模型有良好的相關性;在脫附再生的實驗中,更證實了石墨烯氣凝膠不僅有優良的吸附特性,還具有可以循環利用的價值。 關鍵字:石墨烯氣凝膠、氣相吸附、揮發性有機化合物


In today's society, living comfortable and safe are the goals that people have pursued. However, it is not only the furnishings, lighting, environmental convenience or community security, but also some invisible hazards that may affect our health. . Indoor volatile organic compounds(VOCs) have such characteristics, high volatility, high toxicity, and easily emit into the air from furniture, interior decoration, architectural coatings, cleaning agents, etc. Ranging from dizziness and vomiting to severe it affects the nervous system or is carcinogenic. Even furniture that has been used for many years may have VOCs emission. Therefore, how to avoid indoor VOCs from affecting the human body is a topic of concern. This experiment selected the adsorption method to remove indoor VOCs. Its advantages were simple operation, low cost and reusability. This study also successfully prepared a graphene aerogel with specific surface area of 96.16 m2/g, an average pore size of 3.62 nm, and pore volume of 0.094 cm3/g. Toluene and carbon tetrachloride among the 12 indoor volatile organic compounds listed by the EPA were selected as adsorbents. The adsorption effect of graphene aerogel was proved that it is more effective than activated carbon. It indicates that graphene aerogel is expected to become a new type of strong adsorption material. In the part of regression analysis, all the adsorption isotherms have a good correlation with the Langmuir isotherm. In the experiments of desorption and regeneration, it was confirmed that graphene aerogel not only has excellent adsorption characteristics, but also has the value of recycling. Keywords: graphene aerogel, gas adsorption, volatile organic compounds.


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