  • 學位論文


The implemention of rick management system on decreasing campus suicide accidents

指導教授 : 劉士豪


近年校園內重大突變自殺事件頻傳,想要有效降低此事件發生,須掌握最佳時機,適當的介入與處理以使傷害降到最低;而校園內許多師生大都未親身經歷此危機,致不易有效掌握突變的局勢,要如何將經驗的知識透過風險管理資訊系統建構,有效的轉危為安,化危機為轉機,能有效事前防範校園自殺事件,面對事件發生,也能泰然處之,不致將處境推向難以控制的局面。 本研究以個案研究方法,引用風險管理的概念,運用於降低校園自殺事件,探討各危險因子相互關係,及自殺個案事件的特性建構出一套完整的風險管理模式,也可提供相關校安人員進行訓練之用,以使其熟練危機處理的程序,另透過系統專案經驗回饋,成為學習成長和團隊經驗累積的一個重要來源。


The significant suicide case kept pouring on campus recent years. In order to reduce the events occurring effectively, the best opportunity and moment must be caught, the suitable involvement and processing to cause the injury to fall down. However, many teachers and students have not experienced this crisis and they are not easy to catch the sudden change situation. How do the teachers use the knowledge of experience the knowledge to construct the risk management information system construction, effective being out of danger, turns the crisis into a favorable turn effectively. Therefore, the campus suicide case could effectively guarded against in anticipation, When facing the event, people could also take matters easy, and they did not pushed to the situation controls with difficulty. The study takes a case study as research method. This thesis takes and utilizes the risk management’s concept to reduce the campus suicide case. In addition, the various dangerous factor reciprocity the suicide case event’s characteristic constructs a set of complete risk management pattern are discussed, and may also provide the related school peaceful personnel to carry on training. That would cause the skilled crisis management the procedure, in addition penetrates the system special case experience back coupling, becomes an important origin which the study growth and the association experience accumulate.


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