  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Coordinating An Annual Party Using PERT/CPM

指導教授 : 江長周


現在企業體系所有的作業,都講求效率及效能,在這基本的原則要求下,企業都在追求著高利潤、低成本的理想目標。但每一項計劃或活動,都必須花費企業許多人力、物力、時間、金錢等去規劃、安排及協調許多相關的活動,除此之外,企業組織還會要求在最短時間內完成整個專案或活動。 本研究是希望透過運用計劃評核術及要徑法,來完成本個案公司的年終尾牙籌備作業。雖然個案公司年終尾牙當天可能花費2~4小時的時間,但個案公司對於年終尾牙的重視,所以要求在1個月前就著手準備,以避免活動當天處理混亂的狀況。 本研究透過運用計劃評核術及要徑法,分類出年終尾牙籌備作業之細項作業,將分類出之作業規劃整合,再從研究的結果中可得知年終尾牙籌備的作業之要徑及如期完成的機率。後續並運用Lingo軟體進行運算,以驗証年終尾牙籌備活動所需的時間,並計算如果個案公司的決策者希望縮短籌備作業的時間,其各項作業時間應如何調整,以達成個案公司之目標。研究之結果,可供決策者參考,在未來是否需要花費一樣的時間進行籌備,或是縮減籌備作業時間,以降低成本之支出。


Nowadays, all firms place a great degree of emphasis on efficiency and pursue the goal of either high profit or low cost. In order to complete a project, a firm has to invest a lot of manpower, resources and time to organize and coordinate a variety of related events. Furthermore, a firm would also request the entire project to be completed within the shortest period of time. The study is aimed at employing the program evaluation and review technique and critical path method to complete the preparation and coordination of the year-end banquet of the case studied. Although the banquet takes only 2 to 4 hours, the case company requests that the preparation be initiated one month prior to the event in order to prevent chaotic situations from occurring on the day of the event. The detailed activities of the year-end banquet are listed in this study and the critical path of the banquet has been found. Moreover, the probabilities of completing the project in different time constraints are calculated. In addition, the Lingo software is used to confirm the time required to finish the project. We also use Lingo to learn how to crash the project if we need to finish the project earlier. The results of this study can be provided to the decision-makers as a reference on how much time to spend on such project.


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