  • 學位論文


Optimization of Design Parameters for Fibonacci Spiral Microchannel Heat Sinks

指導教授 : 許政行


本研究目的在於探討使用費瑪(Fibonacci)數列所形成的費瑪螺旋設計,應用於微流道熱沉之設計並進行壓降與熱傳的模擬與量測。配合使用田口法找出流道設計的最佳參數組合,探討不同的流體、流量與流道大小對壓降的影響。目的在於開發性能更為優越的散熱裝置,同時本研究會分別為壓降及熱傳遞性能構建兩組實驗,以驗證模擬與實驗的一致性。 本文使用ANSYS Fluent分析軟體進行模擬分析,結果顯示本文之流道設計具有相當優異的壓降與熱阻。進而將模擬結合田口法找出最佳之參數組合的壓降與熱阻,並得到各參數因子的重要性。本研究亦針對模擬結果與實驗數據相互驗證,作為修正模擬軟體設定數值之依據。 實驗模型使用微加工技術於PMMA(聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯)製作出流道量測其壓降,並引入田口法找出最佳化因子組合,其中因子包含流道寬度(Wc)、流道高度(Hc)、流體、流量。實驗數據顯示與模擬一致,且因子重要性為:流量>流道高度>流道寬度>流體種類。將最佳壓降應用於磷青銅模型進行熱傳實驗與模擬分析。 熱傳實驗使用高精度CNC銑削出磷青銅模型,將模型導入ANSYS Fluent分析軟體進行模擬分析,並透過模擬結果進行實驗規劃。實驗部分則使用90瓦的陶瓷電熱片作為熱源、流量從20至90(ml/min)。 實驗結果驗證本文研究之費瑪螺旋微流道於高流量下有相當低的熱阻,傳統散熱模組對於伺服器級CPU溫度可控制在攝氏50度至70度。本研究顯示於90瓦熱源下可控制升溫在33度以內(與環境溫差6.3度),而實驗結果最小熱阻為0.071 (K/W)。


In this study, the Fibonacci series was adopted in design-optimal of spiral micro channel heat sink. By using Taguchi Method, the performance variation in different channel parameters (such as width, height, flow rate, and fluid media) combinations were thoroughly studied, aimed for producing higher performance spiral micro channel heat sink. There are two phases in this study: Firstly, the ANSYS fluent numerical simulation software and Taguchi Method were used to shorten the design and experiment time. Secondly, the pressure drop and thermal resistance were concerned for validating flow field and heat dissipation performance difference in Fibonacci spiral micro channel heat sink. Therefore, two set of experiments were setup for flow field and heat dissipation separately. In flow field experiment, transparent Poly Methyl MethAcrylate (PMMA) was selected as main material for models; significance among channel parameters has found by Taguchi Method. (Ranked as: flow rate >channel height > channel width > Fluid media) This result shows good agreement with numerical simulation in phase one. In heat dissipation experiment, corrosive-resistive Phosphor bronze (S3000) was selected as main material of models witch was machined by CNC. Optimal parameters combination has taken form flowfield experiments; with 90 Watts ceramic electric heater, and water flow rate ranging from 20 – 90 (ml/min) In conclusion, this research achieved lowest 0.071 (K/W) thermal resistance. This Fibonacci spiral micro channel heat sink could suppress CPU core temperature under 35 ℃ (When subject to 100 Watts server-level CPU), by comparison traditional air-cooling model is ranged from 50 to 70 ℃.


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