  • 學位論文


The study of professional commitment for comended teachers of special education

指導教授 : 任麗華


摘要 教師是教育界的第一線尖兵,能否具有專業承諾,關係著下一代的教育品質。而特殊教育,目的是希望使身心障礙及資賦優異之國民,均有接受適性教育之權利。特教教師的存在是為了服務有特殊需求的學生,由於特殊學生的身心限制,所需要的協助更甚一般教育,因此特教教師的專業承諾更形重要。本文希望從特殊教育教師其專業承諾之形成歷程、維持情形及影響層面,探討特教教師之專業承諾。研究中採用質性研究深度訪談法蒐集資料,邀請受表揚之特教教師分享工作心路歷程,期待以其高專業承諾表現了解其專業承諾。共訪談五位教育部表揚之特殊優良教育人員,訪談所得資料以紮根編碼方式進行資料分析,研究結論如下: 受訪教師皆認為,特教教師專業承諾意義為:認同特教專業角色,發揮特殊教育專業知能與專業精神,樂於奉獻心力,願意長期投入特殊教育工作,並遵守專業倫理,重視研究進修,期能產生卓越的專業績效,以完成自我實現的一種承諾或態度。 而受訪教師的專業承諾養成可能從學生時代,或是在工作中逐漸產生。專業承諾形成因素與人格特質相關,包括有全力以赴的態度、喜歡幫助人、追求變化與挑戰及不計較的特質。他們並表示特教工作與個人認同的工作價值觀相符合。而其專業承諾的形成過程是漸進、累積的,且在教師專業社會化中逐漸形成。 考驗優良特教教師們專業承諾投入的因素常來自於人與人(自己與同事)、人與事(工作)及人與物(學校環境及行政)方面,包含個人的生涯轉換或健康考量、同事合作、教學工作、學校環境或行政是否支持等。 而受訪教師表示,其專業承諾維持原因為:覺得特教工作是有意義的助人工作、特教工作與個人興趣性向相符、工作表現受到肯定及環境(學校、行政及家庭)支持等。 受訪教師們認同自己從事特教工作的價值,願意投入心力在特殊教育領域。而他們在工作表現上,包括師生關係、家長關係、教學成效等方面,都獲得學生家長、同校教師及單位主管的肯定及得獎的鼓勵。這些正向的回饋與肯定,讓受訪教師對特殊教育工作感到滿意,並且讓他們願意繼續在特教界服務。 關鍵詞:優良特殊教育教師、專業承諾


Abstract The aims of this study were set to investigate the meanings、the acquisition、the factors to maintain and the parts of influence of professional commitment for commended teachers of special education . In this study, semi-structured interview method was used to collect data. Totally, five commended teachers had been interviewed. The acquired data from interviews were analyzed by grounded theory approach and the results were shown as followed The meanings of professional commitment for commended teachers include an identification of professional role、acquired professional knowledge and spirit、an attitude of career dedication、willing to work for special education、willing to obey the professional code of ethics、hoping to bring out excellent performance and an attitude for self-actualization. The acquisition of professional commitment for special education teachers started from their school training or accumulated from work experience or may arise from the socialization process of being a special education teacher. The factors influencing professional commitment were from the personal attributes include doing one’s best、being enthusiastic in helping people、willing to take challenges、willing to give extra dedication to work. The professional commitment is also related to ones job values and positive work feedback. The interpersonal aspect which may influence professional commitment include personal health condition 、getting married、cooperation with colleagues and school administrative staff or from the teaching itself. The factors to affect the maintaining of professional commitment for special education teachers were the professional identification、the fitness of interest、having positive work feedback、and school or family support. The influence of professional commitment for special education teachers were that:) professional commitment may affect the identification and the dedication in professional involvement、work performance、educating student and the relationship with parents、likewise professional commitment may affect work satisfication. Keywords: Commended Teachers of Special Education、 Professional Commitment


參 考 書 目
王閩(2002)。國民小學組織文化與教師專業承諾關係之研究─ 以雲嘉地區為例。國立台中師範學院國民教育研究所碩士論文。


