  • 學位論文


The Effect of Transfer Pricing on Business Performance:An Empirical Study of Enterprises investing in China

指導教授 : 李正文


近年來,台灣企業在國際化與全球化之下產生極大的變化,對外投資的金額遽升,多國籍企業投資人及其會計師,用盡心思以租稅負擔極小化來達到利潤極大化目的。但租稅規避造成財政的隱憂及導致實質課稅與租稅公平原則的負面影響,在這個多元的環境下,各國政府所面臨的問題也是複雜的。 自2005年起台灣正式執行移轉訂價政策,本研究採用可靠性較高的效率評估方法---資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis:DEA)來衡量企業面對此政策前後的經營績效,主要以38家企業為樣本,研究期間為2003年至2005年。利用DEA中的CCR 模式與BCC 模式來探討無效率來源究係由純粹技術效率或規模效率所造成,並透過差額變數分析,建議無效率企業在投入產出上可改善的空間及政府在執行政策應考量的方向而非只是稅務上的觀點為主要建議。 實證結果發現,2003年有8家具整體技術效率,2004年有9家具整體技術效率,2005年有15家具整體技術效率,其中有6家連續三年皆呈現整體效率之情況。不具整體效率之公司主要為投資過多,有效收入不足。普遍企業多以達固定規模報酬,但並非全部達到有效率。 研究發現,連續三年在標竿企業中仍以電腦週邊產業為主,而在投資分佈上巳漸漸趨向投資件數減少,投資規模擴大的趨勢。 因全球化稅務管理趨於一致,未來企業在整體上的管理,稅務成本的減少將不再為主要的考量之一,企業整體績效的管理才是企業永續經營的不二法門。


In recent years, Taiwanese enterprise has been undergoing significant changes in terms of globalization. The amount of foreign direct investments by Taiwanese enterprise has grown enormously. Investors in multinational enterprises and their CPAs have tried very hard to maximize global profit by minimizing the tax burden. Tax avoidance would cause hidden problems and have a negative influence on the principle of taxation both in real terms and in terms of fairness. The issues facing governments and government finance under the current diversified environment are complex. This study uses a more reliable efficiency evaluation method------ Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to evaluate operation performance of enterprises before and after the government adopted a policy of transfer pricing in 2005. The main samples are 38 companies during the 2003~2005 period. The CCR model and BCC model in DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) are employed to explore whether the source of low efficiency is pure technical efficiency or scale efficiency. Through slack variable analysis, this study suggests areas of improvement for the input and output of low-efficiency companies. The government should look beyond the taxation issue if it wants to enforce the policy. The results show 8 companies with technical efficiency in 2003, 9 companies with technical efficiency in 2004, and 15 companies with technical efficiency in 2005, and 6 companies with technical efficiency for all 3 years. Reasons why companies have low efficiency are over investment and shortage of income. Most companies reached constant return, but did not have efficiency. This study shows that most companies which are models of high efficiency are in the computer manufacturing industry. According to a Taiwanese government report the number of cases of foreign direct investment by Taiwanese enterprises is decreasing year by year but the scale of individual investment is increasing.


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