  • 學位論文


A study on management strategy of PCB-containing electrical equipment in Taiwan

指導教授 : 葉華光


中文摘要 自從1979年台灣發生「多氯聯苯米糠油中毒事件」以來,政府對於多氯聯苯的管理已建立一套完整的制度與管理規範。在國內多氯聯苯之用途,主要是作為電容器及變壓器等電器設備中之絕緣油,對於這些電器設備,已確定為受多氯聯苯污染者,在聲明廢棄後之處理方式已非常明確;至於被毒性化學物質管理法所列管的「疑似」(未確認)被多氯聯苯污染的電器設備,在未經確認其是否受多氯聯苯污染之前,迄今仍未有較積極有效的管理方式。 本研究首先介紹多氯聯苯的特性、毒性、流佈、處理方式,國內外重大危害事件及其在電器備中使用的情形,續再對國內外之管理政策提出探討,進而就產業現況、檢測結果統計、國內處理技術、處理費用,民眾環保意識等,利用SWOT策略分析理論,得到下列幾個結論: 1.廣宣多氯聯苯事業廢棄物,於貯存期限屆滿後,不得再作延長申請之規定,另再配合環保機關進行查核抽驗,迫使業者儘速清除。 2.藉由經檢測後判定是受多氯聯苯污染之設備僅占15%之統計結果,鼓勵業者對所持有的「疑似」含多氯聯苯電器設備盡速提出檢測申請,以利後續作業進行。 3.國內已有處理含多氯聯苯廢棄物之能力與廠家,應可結合各方力量降低清除費用,減低業主負擔以提高清除意願。 4.對於列管資料之更新,環保機關可先篩選出優先普查之廠家,再委由民間機構執行,除可收事半功倍之效外,並可確實掌握現況。


Abstract Since the “Yu-cheng” occurred in Taiwan in 1979, government has established a system with complete set of rules and regulations to govern the management of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The applications of PCBs in Taiwan are mainly found in insulating oils used in capacitors and transformers for electronic equipments. For electronic equipments that have been confirmed and classified as PCB polluter, the treatment after declaring abandonment is unambiguous. For electronic equipments that are not yet confirmed or has been regarded as “suspected” PCB polluters under Toxic Chemical Substance Management Regulations, however, there lacks an active and effective way to manage these equipments before they are determined to be PCB polluters. In this study, characteristic, toxicity, flow distribution, and treatment of PCB were first introduced. Major PCB-related incidents happened in Taiwan as well as across the world, and PCB applications in electronic equipment were then described. Furthermore, foreign and domestic policies regarding PCB management were also investigated. In the end, SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) strategic analysis was conducted on issues such as industrial situation, inspection result statistic, domestic treatment technology, treatment cost, public environmental awareness, etc, and the conclusions are summarized as follows: 1.PCB-containing wastes at the expiration of the storage period can no longer apply for extension. In addition, owners of PCB-containing wastes must work together with environmental protection authorities to perform necessary auditions. These measures will certainly force the owners to speed up their waste disposing process. 2.By demonstrating statistical results that only 15% of the equipments inspected are classified as PCB polluters, owners of “suspected” PCB-containing equipment are encouraged to apply for inspection as soon as possible. This will also help the progress of subsequent processes. 3.Some industries in Taiwan already have the capability to treat PCB-containing wastes. Therefore, these industries should be combined and integrated for strengthening our treatment technology as well as for cutting down the treatment costs. This will alleviate the burdens on waste owners and increase their will to carry out PCB-containing waste disposal. 4.As for the update of regulated information, environmental protection authorities should first pick out the owners that require prior inspections and then assign private organizations to perform the work. This will allow the governing authorities to achieve maximum results with little effort, and also allow them to maintain full control of the situation.


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