  • 學位論文


The Study of Apply Mahalanobis-Taguchi System in Manufacturing Yield Prediction – An Example of Semiconductor Chemical Vapor Deposition Process

指導教授 : 江瑞清


化學氣相沉積被廣泛的應用在半導體製程,而其薄膜厚度對於後續製程的良率影響甚大,故本研究結合馬氏田口系統(Mahalanobis-Taguchi System, MTS)與預先管制將其應用在半導體良率預測。應用上述兩方法結合後之研究結果 ,將原先監控之13項機台參數縮減為7項機台參數,而該模式判斷正確率高達0.92,本研究提供一快速且精確的良率預測模式。


Chemical Vapor Deposition is wildly using in semiconductor Manufacturing Process, and the thickness of thin film would affect the manufacturing yield. So this study applies Mahalanobis-Taguchi System (MTS) and Pre-control developed recently in yield prediction. This Model make monitor parameters reduce 13 to 7 and Perception accuracy is 0.92. This study provides a fast and accurate yield prediction model.


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