  • 學位論文


Analyzing Key Factors of Affection Intention to Stay-A Case Study of Engineering Personnel of the A Company in Integrated Circuit Assembly and Testing Industries

指導教授 : 胡宜中


作為台灣人引以為傲的產業之一,台灣半導體產業憑藉其先進的製造工藝、優良的品質,已經深深地嵌入全球價值鏈當中。隨著產業分工地不斷精細與逐步深化,台灣半導體封測業更是取得了全球市佔率第一的傲人戰績,每年為社會創造就業人口達20萬以上,為國家GDP的增長做出了卓越的貢獻,已經成為台灣的支柱性產業之一。作為技術密集型產業,人才的作用不容忽視,但隨著中國大陸對人才的高薪挖角、分紅費用化、人才跨產業轉型等問題日益突出,台灣半導體封測業面臨著新進人才難覓、現職人才難留的窘境。研發、製程整合及製程等工程職人員為個案公司之關鍵人才,攸關公司之發展與競爭優勢之建立。雖然適度的人才流動有助於企業的新陳代謝,但工程職人員人力的長期不穩定,卻會成為技術精進的強大阻力。當人員選擇離職時,對企業的損失已然造成,因此如何能採取更積極更有效的預防方法,讓企業在員工尚未採取離職行為發生前,深刻掌握工程職人員的留任意願,識別影響人才留任的關鍵因素,對半導體封測業來說是極為重要的。 本研究透過德爾菲法訪談業界高階主管,並建構出適用於半導體封測業之研究架構,之後運用決策實驗室法與網路分析程序法,針對工程職類人員之問卷填答結果進行分析。研究結果顯示,「企業形象」、「薪資與福利」、「工作環境與氛圍」、「主管領導與管理風格」、「工作負荷」、「工作穩定性」及「工作挑戰性與成就感」為影響工程職人員留任之關鍵因素,其中「工作負荷」、「工作穩定性」、「工作挑戰性與成就感」及「企業形象」是現階段極需改善的指標。 因果圖顯示,欲有效改善關鍵因素之績效,可以考慮「工作負荷」或「工作穩定性」著手改善,由於「工作負荷」屬傾向影響其他準則的「因」,而「工作穩定性」屬傾向被其他準則影響的「果」,因此以「工作負荷」的改善為出發顯有其合理性。「工作負荷」反應出半導體產業員工長久下來,所承受之工作時數過長以及專案執行所帶來高度壓力,對於工程職類人員的留任意願有決定性的影響。本研究就此提出改善策略,包含工作盤點與規劃、適度彈性時間以及推動代理合作制等。 研究結果與個案公司過去的管理思維,認為影響留任意願最大者為「薪資與福利」大異其趣,這也使個案公司能正視「工作負荷」所帶來的影響,對公司甚至相關企業未來的發展都有相當正面的意義。


Taiwanese is proud of getting No.1 market share all over the world in semiconductor’s assembly and testing industry with its advanced manufacturing technology and excellent quality to be deeply implanted in global valuable chain. Since the specialization of Taiwanese semiconductor’s assembly and testing industry became more and more elaborate and professional, it could create more than 200 thousand employed population, make the outstanding contribution of growth of national GDP and become one of Taiwanese pillar industries. In the technology intensive industry, function of human resource can not be neglected. However, Taiwanese semiconductor’s assembly and testing industry was facing more and more problems of being headhunted by Chinese enterprises with high salaries, Taiwanese employee’s bonus to be given by money instead of stock, and transformation of human resources among different industries so that it was hard to find out new comers of the talented and to retain the current talented. Therefore, recognition and control of talent retention have become the key factors for Taiwanese semiconductor’s assembly and testing industry. Although suitable flow of the talent helps metabolism of an enterprise, long-term instability of engineers hindered the improvement of technology seriously because engineers of research and develop, integration of process, and process are key men to affect the development and building competitive advantage of the company. Consequently, adopting more aggressive and effective precaution to control completely the willing of engineers’ retention before they take the action of resignation to avoid the loss of the enterprise facing the quitting from engineers. This study analyzed the outcome of the questionnaire made for engineers with the method of DEMATEL and ANP after interviewing the top management of Taiwanese semiconductor’s assembly and testing industry with Delphi’s method to build suitable research structure for it. Afterwards, the result of research showed the key factors of engineers’ retention which are “enterprise’s image”, “salary and welfare”, ”working environment and atmosphere”, “supervisor’s leadership and management style”, “working load”, “working stability”, “working challenge and achievement”. Among them, the indexes needed to improve very much in the current stage are “working load”, “working stability”, “working challenge and achievement”, “enterprise’s image”. Causal schema showed that we could improve efficiently the above issue from “working load” or “working stability”. Since “working load” tended to be the reason to affect to others and “working stability” tended to be the result affected by others, it was quite reasonable to improve “working load” as a starting point. Furthermore, “working load” reflected high pressure of the staff in semiconductor industry from too much overtime and the project management all the way since so that it influenced engineers’ retention critically. My research proposed solutions of the improvement including check and plan of work, flexible working hours, and promotion of cooperation of the substitute. Although the company in this case study used to think that “salary and welfare” was the main factor to affect the engineers’ retention most, it was quite different from the above outcome of research. As a result, the company in this case study paid attention to the effect of “working load” which brought quite bright trend to future development of it’s enterprise.




