  • 學位論文


The study of Taiwan incubation accelerators’counseling performance

指導教授 : 劉士豪


經濟部中小企業處參考美國矽谷加速器模式,102~103年執行「新興產業加速育成計畫」,導入國內外中大企業業師輔導(Mentor)、連結國內外創投及資金媒合(Funding),以及強化國際加速器網絡鏈結(Network)等,協助具潛力之優質中小企業快速發展適合之商業模式,打入中大型企業或國際企業供應鏈及價值鏈,並拓展第二、三市場通路。 以往的文獻中,未曾以輔導項目與計畫目標來探討加速育成計畫執行成效,因此,本研究利用層級分析法,將育成加速輔導項目,以輔導團隊及受輔導團隊角度,探討彼此觀點是否一致,以作為未來計畫執行單位訂定執行目標的參考,同時可提供育成中心及加速器中心未來輔導團隊時的策略參考。 本研究利用層級分析法(AHP)依業師輔導(Mentor)、資金媒合(Funding)及網絡鏈結(Network)三大方向為評估構面,每個構面根據訪談計畫執行團隊後各挑選出6個評估因素,共18個評估因素,利用問卷調查方式蒐集意見,透過Expert Choice軟體進行一致性檢定,以分析出輔導團隊、被輔導團隊及所有問卷對於18項評估因素的權重值,並以此權重值來判斷輔導項目的重視程度。 本研究結果顯示,輔導單位對於國際訂單取得及國際資源較為重視,這部分與計畫執行KPI有關,因新興產業加速育成計畫KPI中,有相當多的比重在於訂單金額及國際資源的合作與建立等項目,而受輔導單位對於國際資源、業師輔導重視程度相當,對於資金取得也有一定的需求,整體而言受輔導單位對各項輔導項目及資源重視程度平均於各評估構面。


Referring to the accelerator in Silicon Valley, USA, Small & Medium Enterprise Administration (SMEA), Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) introduces international medium or large enterprises (Mentor), international venture capital or angel fund (funding), and international accelerator partners (Network) to assist potential small and medium enterprises to develop the suitable business model, to join the international supply chain/value chain and to open the new market channel in the different countries. There is no literature which discussed the relationship between counseling items, program targets and the effectiveness of the implementation in incubation accelerator program. Therefore, this study will apply Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to explore the points of view between coaching teams and teams are coached in incubation accelerating counseling items. The future executive units can refer to this result to set performance goals. Incubation centers and acceleration centers can also apply it to develop the counseling strategies in the future. The results of this study show the coaching teams are more emphasize international orders and international resources. This is because that the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) of Emerging Industry Incubation-Accelerating Program has lots of portion on order amount and international resources connection and cooperation. On other hand, the teams are coached give the same weight to international resources and mentoring. They also pay attention to funding. Overall, the teams are coached who don’t bear the pressure from KPI are more willing to receive the resources that can help enterprises.


ahp accelerator incubation Mentor Funding


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