  • 學位論文


The Determinants of Top Managers’ Staffing of Subsidiaries: Resource-Based View

指導教授 : 邱雅萍


本研究以資源基礎觀點(resource-based view),探討多國企業(multinational enterprises; MNEs)子公司高階主管任用決策研究,分為兩大類影響因素-公司因素(子公司成立年數、子公司策略功能、子公司資源)以及地主國因素(文化距離、地主國競爭程度),分析以上因素對於母國籍人員(PCNs)、地主國籍人員(HCNs)、第三國籍人員(TCNs)任用之影響。 本研究以MNEs母公司人資主管為填答者,以郵寄問卷方式進行,共回收120份問卷,其中扣除12份退回之問卷以及無效問卷4份,最後有效問卷共有104份。問卷經由編碼後進行統計分析,先進行信效度分析後再進行相關分析、迴歸分析來探討變數間關係,以驗證本研究之假設。 本研究發現: 1.子公司策略功能愈強,子公司高階主管任用愈傾向由母國籍人員擔任。 2.地主國與母國文化距離越大,子公司高階主管任用愈傾向由第三國籍人 員擔任。 3.地主國競爭程度愈大,子公司高階主管任用愈傾向由母國籍人員擔任。


The purpose of this study is to examine determinants of top managers staffing at subsidiaries of multinational enterprises from resource-based view. The influential factors are divided into two categories. First category includes factors in subsidiaries that are subsidiary age, subsidiary strategic functions, and subsidiary resource. Second category includes factors in host country that are cultural distance and the level of competition in the host country. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, we in-vestigated effects of these factors on PCNs, HCNs, and TCNs staffing. The study chose human resources managers in MNEs as respondents. Following by conducting a questionnaire survey, 120 questionnaires were collected in the end of the survey. 104 out of 120 questionnaires are valid. 16 questionnaires are invalid, in-cluding 12 unreturned questionnaires and 4 unusable questionnaires. Those valid ques-tionnaires were used for statistical analysis after encoding. Factor analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis were used to examine relationships among variables and verify the hypotheses of this study. This study concludes that: 1. The stronger subsidiary strategic functions that sub-sidiaries have, the higher possibilities of PCNs staffing. 2. The higher cultural dis-tance,the higher possibilities of PCNs staffing.. 3. The higher competition in the host country, the higher possibilities of PCNs staffing.


廖明坤,于卓民,司徒達賢,2006,台商大陸子公司決策自主權影響因素之研究,中山管理評論,14(2): 397-427。
