  • 學位論文

普通班身心障礙學生學校支持系統 之個案研究

A Case Study of the School-Based Support System for a Junior High School Student with Mental Retardation

指導教授 : 康雅淑


摘 要 本研究旨在建構出一套「學校本位支持系統」以滿足桃園縣一所國中普通班教師、普通班身心障礙學生及其家長對學校支持系統的需求。為了解學校支持系統的實施現況,與身心障礙學生、教師及其家長接受支持服務的歷程與需求,本研究選定研究者服務之學校,透過個案研究的方式,歷經前置階段、建構階段及成效評估階段,確立學校本位的支持系統,並獲致以下的研究結論: 一、在支持系統前置階段的需求調查方面 (一)普通班教師對學校支持系統的需求包含特教知能研習的辦理、調整課程(含簡化教材)的方法、特殊教育的教學策略、減少班級人數及上課節數及緊急事件的人力支援。 (二)身心障礙學生的對學校支持系統的需求包含課程及教材調整、評量方式及評量標準的調整、教師適時個別指導及社交行為的改善。 (三)身心障礙學生家長對學校支持系統的需求包含提供親職教養策略、特殊教育研習及提供家庭支援服務。 二、在支持系統的建構階段,有三項重點: (一)支持系統的建構應考量學校教師、家長及學生需求。 (二)支持系統的建構應兼顧身心障礙學生全方位及獨特的需求。 (三)支持系統的建構應經過校內人員討論並發展「學校本位支持系統」。 (四)提供支持服務時應與學校行政單位分工合作、密切聯繫。 三、在支持系統的執行成效方面,有以下六點成效 (一)支持系統能提供教師在教學輔導時必要的支援。 (二)支持系統改善了個案學生的社會行為。 (三)支持系統無法解決普通班教師所有的困難。 (四)支持系統提供的服務可再更充足,並具彈性。 (五)支持系統提供家長更多資源。 (六)支持系統的介入改善身心障礙學生的適應問題。 根據研究發現,本研究針對普通班教師、身心障礙學生家長、學校行政人員及未來研究提出建議。 關鍵詞:身心障礙學生、支持系統、融合教育


Abstract The purpose of this research was to explore the needs of teachers, parent, and exceptional student, and then conduct a ‘school-based support system’ that met those needs in an inclusive classroom. The subjects were a 14-year-old girl with mental retardation, her mother and school teachers, and the design of case study was implemented. Through the three stages of defining the problem, designing solutions and evaluating solutions, finally the ‘school-based support system’ was established. The major findings were followed: 1. First, teachers’ needs included the workshop of special education and related service, strategies of curriculum adapting, teaching strategies, and reducing the amount of students within an inclusive class. Second, the needs of exceptional student included adapting curriculum and alternative assessment from teachers, strategies of making friends and social behaviors. Finally, the needs of parent included parent education, family support services and related services. 2. To construct the support system, several things needed to be considered. It included (1) the needs of teachers, parents, and exceptional students; (2) the support system should be comprehensive and flexible, in order to meet individual needs; (3) a good communication among school members. 3. In general, the support systems should be able to offer necessary support or resources for teachers, parents and exceptional student. However, the systems could not solve all the difficulties so far. Keywords: retarded student, support system, inclusive education




