  • 學位論文


A Study of Combining the Industrial Heritage Conservation with the Development Mechanism of Urban Renewal

指導教授 : 黃俊銘


【摘要】 都市是人類生活集合體,台灣早期的都市大都是由產業經濟聚集所構成,近年來台灣面臨經濟結構改變與產業外移,讓都市裡留下許多荒廢的產業遺址。而隱藏在都市內不同類型的產業遺址空間,它滿載本土文化色彩的舊區,是市民最真實的都市空間回憶,也是真實見證城市發展歷程。 產業遺址在都市發展策略是以都市更新來促進土地活化,但又缺乏文化資產保存概念,大都以拆除騰空售地或轉開發有利益的商業大樓方式,在無具體的法令與完善的保存機制下,往往將都市裡的產業遺址犧牲掉。 而產業遺址保存案例裡,國內現有問題:(1)法令不夠周延完善,沒有針對產業遺址的文化資產保存之專章(2)都市更新開發機制中,不把產業遺址的文化資產保存為主要考量方向,導致無法保存該產業的歷史命脈,也沒有讓周邊土地的使用機能更加活化,亦未能讓民眾享有到真正之公共利益。 本研究以國外成功的案例,是如何將文化資產保存與都市更新開發結合,讓土地機能更加多元化,以及兼顧文化資產保存。並且回顧檢討台灣案例,來檢視台灣現行法令與機制,試探出對於產業遺址的文化資產保存結合都市更新開發機制之建議。 一個成功的都市更新開發機制,不只能保留產業遺址,使閒置土地活化,讓都市環境美化,也能使文化資產得以保存與再利用。並能在「文化資產價值為主,活化土地利用為輔」的策略原則下,能有效使低密度工業用地轉化為高價值土地之公共利益。不只能讓廢墟變美地,更能創造地方價值與提升生活品質,並賦予閒置場域新生命,成為居民合用的美地。


【Abstract】 City is the collection of human life. The cities, in Taiwan, are mostly constituted by the industrial economy gathered in the past period. In recent years, Taiwan has faced the change of economic structural and industrial migration. It left many abandoned industrial heritage. Many kinds of industrial heritage hidden within the city are full of local culture. Industrial heritage comprise the most real memory of urban space for citizen and witness the progress of urban development truly. To promote land revitalization, current urban development strategy for the industrial heritage is urban renewal. However, it lacks the concept of conservation for cultural assets. Demolishing heritage and selling or developing the commercial building are the mostly methods for the industrial heritage. Due to the lack of specific laws and complete mechanism of preservation, industrial heritages are always sacrificed in the city. In the cases of conservation of industry heritage, there are some problems in Taiwan. (1)Incomplete laws, there are no specific laws for industrial heritage conservation. (2) the consideration of cultural heritage conservation do not included when developing mechanism of urban renewal. Therefore, those neither left specific preservation of history of the industry, nor to land revitalization surrounding the heritage. Also, citizen cannot benefit public interest truly. This paper use successful cases overseas to study how to combine the strategy of industrial heritage conservation with the development mechanism of urban renewal and how to give considerations to diversify the function of land and heritage conservation. Furthermore, we review the existing laws and mechanism in Taiwan through examining the cases in Taiwan and offer suggestion for combining the industrial heritage conservation with the development mechanism of urban renewal. The advantages of a successful development mechanism are the preservation of industrial heritage, revitalization of idle land, creation of the value for locality, beautification of urban envelopment, preservation and re-use of cultural assets. Given the strategy of “preserve the value of cultural heritage and revitalize the land”, the successful development mechanism can transform the industrial land with low-develop into the land with high public interest.


