  • 學位論文


A Study of School Innovative Management Ideas and Strategies of a Beginning Elementary Principal in Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 簡玉敏


本研究旨在探討國民小學初任校長學校創新經營理念、策略及其遭遇困難與解決途徑,最後提出結論及建議俾供主管教育行政機關、國民小學初任校長與有關人員作為推動學校創新經營之參考。 本研究採用訪談法,以半結構式的訪談大綱作為研究工具,訪談對象包含桃園縣國小校長、三位行政人員、二位老師、三位學生及四位家長,結論如下: 壹、校長創新理念形成分三期:創新發想種子萌芽潛伏期、求新求變突破傳統穩定成長期及開創教育價值的發光發熱期。 貳、初任校長學校創新經營理念:校長肯定老師、重視能力。提供多元學習及提供學生展能舞台,照顧弱勢學生,落實教育機會均等。強調人和,以身作則參與活動,落實會議,達成共識,鼓勵正向思考;校園重視生態環境、強調美感教育;積極辦學是爭取經費最佳方法和家長社區建立關係。 參、初任校長學校創新經營策略:對教師提供資源與進修,增進知能;對學生重視品格與閱讀、多元社團和提供舞台、親子共學、發揚傳統戲劇、爭取資源、照顧弱勢學生。對行政則體恤夥伴、以身作則、注重行銷;校園環境上有十美傳奇、整體安全為原則、學生學習為考量、活化空間,並熱情積極爭取經費、引進人力敦親睦鄰。 肆、初任校長與眾不同之處:獨特的人格特質有利於推行創新策略;分析優勢後結合學校生態環境特色修正願景、善用宣傳與行銷、擁有堅強的行政團隊陣容。 伍、初任校長的學校創新經營面臨的挑戰:教師服務年資長,上學校偏僻,教師趨於保守且固著;學生較難展現自信心;行政人力縮編不足;經費的不足,硬體建設不足;志工人數少,與社區互動少,不關心學生學習。 根據上述研究結論提出建議,供主管教育行政機關、國民小學初任校長與有關人員作為推動學校創新經營之參考。


This study is to discuss the elementary school beginning principals’ concepts of school innovation management, strategies, the obstacles they encountered and how they coped with. The purpose of the research is to provide the results to the educational authorities, beginning principals in the elementary schools and the related people as references when it comes to innovation management. The research was conducted with the self-edited semi-unstructured interviews as tool, the interviewees are the principals in Taoyuan county, three administrative employees, three students and four representatives from the parents of the students. The conclusion is as follows: 1. Three phases of developing the concepts of the principals’ innovation: the incubation phase of the germinations of the innovation ideas, the phase of breaking through traditions and the glittering phase of founding the educational value. 2. The innovation management concepts of the beginning principals: The principals highly valued the teachers and emphasized the ability of the teachers. Besides, they provide the multiple learning opportunities and performance stages for students. Moreover, they take care of the minority and implement the equalities of education. They lay emphasis on harmony among people, participating actively in all kinds of activities, carrying out the discussion of meetings, having the mutual agreements with the teachers, and encouraging teachers to think positively. Additionally, they pay much attention to the ecological environment on campus, highlighting aesthetic education. Active attitude is the best way to find funding and it’s also important to build up good relationship with the parents and the community. 3. The strategies of the beginning principals’ school innovation management: The beginning principals provide the teachers resources for advanced learning. For students, they emphasize the moral education, reading, various clubs, providing the platforms for performances, learning with parents, promoting the traditional puppet shows and endeavoring for resources to take care of the minority. In administration aspect, the principals show thoughtfulness for the co-workers, having self as the model and laying importance on the marketing mechanism of the school. In campus environment, they have “the legendary of ten beauties”, the entirety and safety as the principles. Students’ learning is main concern. They also activized the existing space, actively and passionately endeavoring for funding, trying to find the human resources for the school and also being friendly to the neighborhood. 4. The differences between the beginning principals and others: The beginning principals have special characteristics, which do themselves good to promote the innovation strategies. First, they analyze the pros and cons of the school, combining the ecological environment, editing the vision of the school, good at promoting and marketing, having a concrete and strong administrative team. 5. The challenges that the beginning principals encountered: The teachers have long experiences of teaching. The location of the school is relative remote; therefore, the teachers tend to be conservative and unwilling to change. It’s harder for students to show self-confidence. The number of the administrative employees is inadequate. Due to the lack of funding, the school doesn’t have proper hardware. The number of the volunteers and the interaction with the community are little; therefore, it results in that the volunteers or the neighborhood don’t care about the learning of students. According to the results mentioned above, the researcher hopes it can provide the educational anthorities, the beginning principals in elementary schools and the related people as references for promoting school innovation management.


