  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study of Applying SOA Cloud Computing Services on the Design Industry – Taking Architect Industry as an Example

指導教授 : 黃天佑


台灣早期工業經濟發展靠著節省成本及物美價廉的本質來提升經濟,意即為代工,而時代的轉變以及經濟發展穩定成熟之後,降低成本固然重要,但是代工的情況在台灣也慢慢轉移到其他國家,再加上產業結構開始轉變導致設計產業開始在台灣經濟迅速改變,設計型產業也可透過附加價值來提升它的價值,進而產業也漸漸轉型趨向於設計型產業。 本研究將對建築師事務所做相關產業的分析,透過產業的分析發現建築師事務所對於現在的資訊應用並不熟練,且建置系統過高,因此,本研究採用了服務導向架構及雲端運算服務來整合對設計產業客製化的系統應用,本研究先行採用產業分析去了解目前建築師事務所所欠缺在雲端服務包含哪些,最後再利用系統雛型法去驗證SOA雲端運算服務是否有達成與傳統設計產業的差距,讓企業可提升競爭力與降低建置系統的成本。 設計產業是以展示系統與知識保存系統為設計產業的核心重點,透過展示系統可以看到建築的設計圖檔以及景觀說明等等,而知識系統則是儲存專案紀錄、內部員工經驗分享以及設計構想等等,透過這些系統讓設計產業的使用者資訊不對稱達到最小化,這也是創新密集的產業。


To enhance economic development of Taiwan's early industrial economy relying on cost-saving and inexpensive nature, which is known as OEM. Nowadays, time changes and economic development becomes stable and mature, although to reduce costs is important, but OEM industry in Taiwan moves to other countries day by day. More, the industrial structure began to change making the economic of design industry in Taiwan changes rapidly. Design-based industries through value-added services to enhance its value, and thus the industry has gradually transition to be design-based industries. This study will do the analysis of related industries of the architects. We realized that architects are not familiar with the information applications, and the cost of building a information system is too expensive. Therefore, this study uses a service-oriented architecture and cloud computing services to integrate the design industry customized system applications. This study first analysis industry to understand what the current architects need about cloud services. Finally, use prototype method to verify the SOA cloud computing services overcome the difficulties of the traditional design industry so that companies can enhance their competitiveness and reduce the cost of building the system. The core of design industry focus on display system and knowledge management system. Through the display system one can view the design blueprints and manuscripts with the explanations of settings, and the knowledge management system is to save the project data, to save internal staff experience for sharing and to manage the design ideas. Through these systems allow to minimizing the information asymmetry between users, which is the innovation-intensive industries.


Cloud computing Design Industry SOA


