  • 學位論文


A Study of Children in the Night Public Space of the Phenomena─A Case Study of Min-Sheng Community in Taipei

指導教授 : 曾光宗


摘要   臺灣的夜晚絢爛而迷情,舉凡生猛活力的夜市攤販、不勝枚舉之豪華夜店,或是二十四小時不打烊的書店、網吧、便利商店等,皆是彰顯亞洲城市不亞於西方城市的東方魅力。除去上述各種文化習俗以外,兒童夜行於外且至深夜方歸的情景,足堪稱是東亞之最;而這些暗夜徘徊的兒童們到底做些何事?又為何在那?引起本研究欲窺探之動機。回顧過往典籍文獻與理論研究,雖不缺乏從兒童角度探討都市環境之書籍,然而對於兒童如何存在夜間都市,以及其如何應對黑夜降臨,皆未曾有論;故本文不僅觀察兒童夜行的行為因素,更要探討此現象與都市環境之相關議題。   所以,本文研擬兩項主要調查項目,其一是民生社區空間使用狀態,其二是兒童夜晚分布情形;寓意在於藉由調查結果之交叉分析,試圖解析兒童與街廓的相應作用及化學效應。調查結果為夜晚影響兒童行為之主要因素是「社會效應」,其次才是「視覺景觀吸引力」;而研究結論從兩種面向盡做發想: 一、社會公共面向 (1)街道做為教育場所─兒童的學習成長與社會化主要從社會汲取,而都市空間的各個角落,無時不刻都會上演著一齣戲,這些戲碼或許微不足道,又或許血腥暴力,但對教養兒童確是扮演相當重要之角色。 (2)以參與代替制約─良好的鄰里社區應有互相監督與相扶相持的作用,亦即守望相助;兒童待在夜晚公共空間裡,最有效用之監督者便是周遭居民與店家,他們能就近代替父母甚或巡警,在最不費人事物力情況下遏止或幫助孩童。 二、都市空間面向 (1)適當混合的街廓巷道─街道廣場欲吸引兒童前來,最重要者是周邊須有商家店鋪進駐於街廓內,且最好是與兒童相關之行業;倘若不能,也應盡量促使街廓店鋪適當混合,方能使街道能滿足各種使用族群,如此街道才能常被使用而更加安全。 (2)親善娛民的公園綠地─經研究調查發現即便是小不起眼的公園,其兒童使用程度卻是居高不下;這些公園其實沒有華麗堂皇的景觀設計,更沒有優雅高級的遊憩設備,全靠安全完善的遊具,機能完備的公園設施,足能吸引兒童前往遊玩。 (3)公設完善的學校校園─除了多元豐富的街道商店之外,倘若學校附近能有一些制約性、公共性的公設單位,加上學校向來皆是社區力量的集結所在,便能使兒童安然處於此處。


Abstract   Taiwan's night is gorgeous, for example, the vigorous night market, the magnificent night club, or the around the clock bookstores, café shop, convenience stores, etc., all of the above is highlight the oriental charm no less than western cities. In addition to the above culture and custom, children walking outside at night and return home until late-night, this phenomenon can be called the most peculiar in East Asia. These children who in dark night to do what? Why they there? it cause this study to concern urgently. Retrospect of literature and research, although not lack from a children's perspective to explore the urban environment of books, however, even one of the books do not investigate that children how to exist in urban space at night. This paper is not only to observe the behavior of children and the factors, but also to explore this phenomenon and the related issues of urban environment.   So, in this article there are two major survey projects, the first is the Min-Sheng Community space usage, and the second is the distribution of the children at night; by cross-analysis of the survey results, trying to understand and analyze the relationship and chemical effects between the children and the streets. The finding of the main factors that affect children's behavior at night "social effect", followed by the "attractiveness" of the visual landscape; conclusions will be two ways to do an extension and reflection: 1. Society and Public Affairs (1) Street as an educational place - Children's growing and socialization process mainly came from the society, and every corner of the urban space, every moment will be staged a drama, although the drama may be negligible, but for the upbringing of children play a very important role. (2) Public participation instead of regulation - A good neighborhood should be mutual supervision and neighborhood watch. When children stay in the public space of night, the most effective use of the supervisor is neighbor residents and stores, it can instead of parents even the patrol to help children. 2. Urban Space and Public Space (1) An appropriate mix of street blocks roadway - Streets to attract children to come, the most important thing is business store along the street. It should try to procure the street blocks properly mixed, and the street will be meet a variety of space user and more safer. (2) A friendly park space - According to this research found that even small and inconspicuous park still can be popular, and the extent of use by children is high. Those park or greenbelt are not razzmatazz and beautiful landscape design or high-class equipment, but there are safe playground and games apparatus, and the function is complete. (3) A campus there are perfect public facilities - Except abundant and multitudinous stores that around the street can be attracted children, if there have some constraints and public government or facility, it should could be attracted more user and children.




