  • 學位論文


A Study on the Development Process and Influence of Campus Reconstruction after the 921 Earthquake

指導教授 : 曾光宗


九二一校園重建已屆滿近13年,而近年來天然災害發生頻仍,無論地震或風災造成校園損毀的消息時有所聞,隨著環境變遷,校園重建課題的重要性似乎未曾減少。面對學校受災情形一再地發生,我們該如何重新審視及因應後續的校園重建?而九二一新校園運動所累積的經驗是否有助於面對此問題?其後續的發展又造成何種影響?這些議題是值得持續探究的。畢竟校園的規劃設計關係到理念與構想、政策與法令、參與組織等,必須透過教育目標的落實與校園工程品質的改善,才能使校園的建造日趨完善。雖然九二一校園重建已告一段落,其成果在校園空間改革的歷程中也佔有重要地位,但這段過程並非僅只是供人參考及借鏡的歷史而已,關於校園重建的課題仍舊值得持續觀察。因此,本研究針對校園重建及新校園運動至今的發展,以調查及收集相關文獻的研究方法,歸納出九二一校園重建的政策、組織及後續的相關發展,再以列表的方式闡述校園重建歷程。除了分析近年來的研究成果之外,希望藉由相關要素的探討,重新回顧校園重建與新校園運動發展的概況,釐清校園發展脈絡上的特質及定位,並提出相關建議。 因此,經由上述的研究與歸納,本研究將校園重建歷程分為四個時期:一、校園重建機制草擬時期(1999年9月21日~2000年5月20日)二、校園重建工作落實時期(2000年5月20日~2002年6月)三、校園重建成果推廣時期(2002年7月~2005年8月)四、校園重建後續發展時期(2005年9月~2011年10月)。¬而校園重建過程中,由各民間團體、學術單位、專業單位及公部門的共同推動,校園重建工作被視為一種突破既有窠臼的機會,在各界凝聚了願景及理想之下,「新校園運動」便因此形塑而成。期間由於重建期程緊迫,而且公私部門首次經歷此突發事件,許多作法都是在學習與摸索中進行著。然而教改理念的融入、災校認養機制的研擬、專業營建管理方式的導入、最有利標的執行…等具有理想性的政策突破,皆是政府與民間團體共同合作的成果,也是「新校園運動」在校園發展脈絡上可貴的特質,這樣的理想與經驗是值得被傳遞下去的。


It has been almost 13 years since the 921 campus reconstruction. During recent years, natural disasters still occur frequently. We often hear of the news concerning campus damage caused by earthquakes or typhoons. As the environment changes, the issue of campus reconstruction is as important as it used to be. In the face of frequent reoccurrence of campus disasters, how should we review and respond to subsequent campus reconstruction? Can we face such an issue by means of the experiences accumulated from the 921 New Campus Movement? What influence will result from such subsequent developments? All these issues deserve our continuous exploration. After all, the planning and design of a campus correlates with concepts and ideas, policies and laws, and the participative organizations and so on. Only by the implementation of educational objectives and the improvement of campus construction quality can we perfect campus construction day after day. Though the 921 campus reconstruction has ended, the results also play a very important role in the history of campus space reform. However, such a progress is not a history merely for reference and examples. We should have continual observations on the issues regarding campus reconstruction. Therefore, aiming at the developments of campus reconstruction and New Campus Movement until now, this study generalizes the policies, organizations, and relevant subsequent developments concerning the 921 campus reconstruction by research methods such as investigation and collection of related literature. Then, the progress of campus reconstruction is expounded by means of list making. In addition to analyzing the research findings during recent years, it also aims to retrospect the general situation of campus reconstruction and New Campus Movement developments through explorations of related elements, for clarifying the contextual characteristics and orientations of campus development and bringing up related suggestions. Therefore, through the aforementioned research and generalization, the progress of campus reconstruction in this study is divided into four stages: 1. Sketch Period of Campus Reconstruction Mechanism (From Sep. 21, 1999 to May 20, 2000). 2. Implementation Period of Campus Reconstruction Work (From May 20, 2000 to June 2002). 3. Promotion Period of Campus Reconstruction Results (From July 2002 to August 2005). 4. Period of Subsequent Campus Reconstruction Development (From September 2005 to October 2011). During the progress of campus reconstruction, the campus reconstruction work was promoted collectively by various civil groups, academic units, professional units and public sectors, and it was deemed as a chance to break through old stereotypes. With the visions and ideals congregated from all walks of life, the “New Campus Movement” was performed accordingly. During the course, many approaches were undertaken through learning and explorations, because the schedule of reconstruction was so tight and both public and private sectors were tenderfoots in dealing with such an emergency. Nevertheless, both governmental and civil groups cooperated collectively to achieve fruitful results in ideal policy breakthroughs, e.g. integration of educational reform ideas, conception of victim school fosterage mechanism, introduction of professional construction management approaches, the implementation with the best niches, etc. which were also the valuable characteristics in the context of campus development of “New Campus Movement”. Such ideals and experience are worthy of being passed down.


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