  • 學位論文


A Study on the Publication of the Military Organization Administrative Information

指導教授 : 陳櫻琴


知識就是力量,而資訊就是知識的基礎。我國政府資訊公開法在2005年公布,該法的施行象徵著我國民主法治往前邁一大步,因為政府資訊公開乃為保障人民「知的權利」,並實現「開放政府」理念,然資訊公開常涉及各方多元利益法治國家資訊公開制度,故資訊應以公開為原則,限制為例外。 隨著時代的變遷,軍隊的任務除了保衛國家安全外,與民眾的互動逐漸頻繁,軍中的各項事務也被要求要公開化、透明化及人權化,例如役男個人資料查詢及服役情形、軍品採購、人事升遷、考績作業等,如此才能讓民眾對軍中事物有所知悉。所以軍事機關應主動或被動、定期或不定期將行政資訊對外公開,使人民透過該等資訊可更了解軍事機關之作為,以達國民全防之目標。 資訊公開與限制應有明確的界定,對於紛爭解決方有助益。是故,行政資訊公開與限制應如何權衡取捨,則是亟待解決的問題。本文以人民「知的權利」為立論基礎,藉以探討政府資訊公開法制之相關問題。並以軍事機關為例,檢視資訊公開原則於軍事領域中之應用,以期能在有關軍事機關在資訊公開問題上,有抛磚引玉之效。另藉由整理並分析軍事機關中對於民眾申請行政資訊公開或閱覽卷宗等事件,遭主管機關駁回、拒絕答覆等情事,而提起訴願或訴訟的案例,析論實務上的爭點,並盼能歸納出其是否公開的判準,以作為日後學理上或實務上研究的參考。


Knowledge is power, and the foundation of knowledge is the information. The open information regulation was published in 2005. It means a great progress in our democracy. This regulation guarantees people’s right to know and achieve the idea of Public Government. However, the open information involves the system of multi-interest country, at the same time, open-source is the principle of information with exception of limitation. As time goes by, besides the main mission,there are more interactions with civilian. Affair in military is requested to come out into open,transparency and human right-based. Such as soldiers’ personal information query,service condition, army sale, personal promotion and merit system. The military authority should release the administrative information in any way to achieve the goal of “All out defense”. It should have a specific definition between open information and limitation. This is an issue waiting for solving consequently. In this paper, we discuss the correlation issues about the open information regulation by using the viewpoint of “right to know”. Review the utilization of open information in the military, it is supposed to get a great advancement. For instance, a case is caused by the military authority rejecting civilian to know the military administrative information. We analyze it and try to find the frame of reference in this domain.


