  • 學位論文


Applying lean production and RFID in supply chain management


在美國國防部及世界先驅企業(如沃爾瑪、馬克與史賓賽等)大力推展之下,在最近幾年無線射頻(Radio frequency identification, RFID)已經成為在供應鏈中追蹤貨物一種有效的方式。此種技術是影響倉儲作業與供應鏈管理最有發展的技術之一。 本研究論文係利用精實生產的觀念與無線射頻技術,發展一供應鏈系統應用於零件供應商及其三個層級的供應鏈,替代傳統運用條碼作業的作業模式。並以企業流程再造的概念(Business process reengineering, BPR),透過價值溪流圖(Value stream map, VSM)及整合性資訊系統架構(Architecture of Integrated Information System, ARIS)的分析,針對倉儲作業瓶頸,導入RFID技術與設備,重新規劃作業流程;另分析與整合整體供應鏈資訊、作業及物流,建構以雲端架構為基礎的端對端補給流程。 本研究區分為三個部分。首先,將精實生產思維與RFID技術與倉儲作業整合,來改善倉儲作業效率與效能。其次,將精實生產與RFID技術運用於一個三層式供應鏈,用以改善整體供應鏈的效率與效能。另外,並以投資報酬率(Return-on-investment, ROI)分析,證明本研究所提出方法的可行性。第三,運用企業流程再造結合精實思維與資訊技術,重新設計這三層式供應鏈,俾從根本上簡化作業流程。研究結果顯示,原供應鏈作業架構在經過精實生產與RFID技術整合後,在整體供應鏈運作效率提升與庫存成本的降低,均獲得顯著的改善。


Promoted by U.S. Department of Defense and the world’s pioneer companies such as Wal-Mart, Mark and Spencer, Tesco, and Gillette, radio frequency identification (RFID) technology has become an effective way to track goods through the supply chain. It is one of the most promising technologies influencing the operations in warehouse and supply chain management in recent years. This thesis applies lean production concept and RFID technology in a three-tier supply chain to develop a new operation model for spare parts suppliers, replacing the conventional barcode operation model. Business process reengineering (BPR), value stream mapping (VSM) and architecture of integrated information system (ARIS) are used to analyze the bottlenecks of operational processes. RFID technology is adopted to redesign the operational processes and procedures. The information, operation and material processes of entire supply chain are analyzed and integrated to establish an end-to-end supply process on the basis of cloud information system configuration. There are three parts in this research. First, lean production and RFID technology are integrated in warehouse operations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness. Second, lean production and RFID technology are applied to the three-tier supply chain to improve the efficiency and effectiveness. Furthermore, return-on-investment (ROI) analysis is used to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method. Third, BPR with lean thinking and information technology (IT) are applied to redesign this three-tier supply chain to radically simplify business processes. The results show that both increased operational efficiency in the supply chain and reduced storage cost in the warehouse are observed, after the integration of lean production, BPR and RFID technology in the business architecture.


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