  • 學位論文


The Competition of Legal Systems in the Discipline of Civil Servants and Professionals and Technologists - Taking Public Physicians as an Example

指導教授 : 傅玲靜


我國承認的專門職業及技術人員,類別眾多,同時具有專門職業及技術人員與公務人員雙重身分資格者,本文通稱為公職專技人員。以公職醫師、公職律師、公職會計師、公職建築師為典型的代表。以案例研究法,在邱小妹人球案與愛滋器官移植事件中,觀察到公職醫師所承受的風險不但有醫療糾紛所導致之民事與刑事責任,於行政責任上,公職醫生可能承擔著公務員懲戒責任與醫師懲戒責任之風險。當公職醫師同時受有公務員懲戒處罰與醫師懲戒處罰時,亦即公務員懲戒制度與專門職業及技術人員懲戒制度交錯時,二者懲戒罰之間得否併罰,有無違反一行為不二罰之法理,法無明文,值得深究。 為了探討公務員懲戒處罰與專門職業及技術人員懲戒處罰有無一行為不二罰之問題,以文獻分析方法,回歸至公務員懲戒制度與專門職業及技術人員制度本質與基本規範的研究。在公務員懲戒制度上,公法上勤務關係與忠實義務是現代發動公務員懲戒作用之基礎,依公務員懲戒法對於違法失職的公務人員發動懲戒;在專門職業及技術人員制度上,因專門職業及技術人員具備比一般職業別有高度專業知識及技能、高度自律性等特質,專門職業團體對其所屬成員有職業倫理的要求,若違反職業上應遵守的義務時,基於職業團體自治原則,賦予職業團體參與監督同業,具有發動實施懲戒的權限。 公務員懲戒制度與醫師懲戒制度二懲戒罰的定性有所不同,卻不影響二懲戒罰之間的比較。仍得類推適用一行為不二罰之法理,以比例原則操作。因此,本文將著重在二懲戒事由的法益、規範義務與處罰手段之討論,整理與分析公務員服務法義務規範與醫師懲戒規定的關聯所在,方得利於一行為不二罰法理之檢視。


There are a number of professionals and technologists which we recognized, at the same time with a civil servants and professionals and technologists dual qualification, this article known as public technical staff. Taking the public physicians, public lawyers, public accountants, public office architects as a typical representative. In the case study, in the case of the little girl CHU's case and AIDS organ transplant, it was observed that the risk of public physicians was not only the civil and criminal liability caused by medical disputes, but in the administrative responsibility, the public physicians could bear the legal systems in the discipline of civil servants and the risk of professionals and technologists responsibility. When the public practitioner is also subject to the legal systems in the discipline of civil servants and professionals and technologists, the two punishment between the punishment and punishment, whether the violation of a line of two Jurisprudence, the law is not clear, worthy of study. By means of literature analysis in order to discuss the issue of disciplinary punishment of the legal systems in the discipline of civil servants and professionals and technologists. And return to the study of the basic norms and the disciplinary system of the legal systems in the discipline of civil servants and professionals and technologists. In the discipline of civil servants, according to the civil service disciplinary law for the illegal dereliction of duty, the relationship between public service and loyalty is the basis of the modern civil servants disciplinary action. On the other way, the legal systems in the professionals and technologists, because of the high degree of professional knowledge and skills, high degree of self-discipline and other characteristics than the general occupation, professionals and technologists violate their obligations in occupation, Autonomy principle, to give professional groups involved in supervision of the same industry, with the implementation of disciplinary authority. The legal system in the discipline of civil servants is defer from the professionals and technologists, but does not affect the comparison between the two penalties. We should still have to be applied to a function of the law is not punished, the principle of proportion operation. Therefore, this article will focus on the two disciplines of the legal interests, norms and penalties of the means of discussion, trying to integrate the association between the legal systems in the discipline of civil servants and the professionals and technologists, and the benefit of the principle of double jeopardy.


