  • 學位論文


Message Source, Purchasing Motivation and Consumption Value with Consumer Behavior on Buying Luxury Goods  -Empirical Study on European and American Fashion Clothing

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


本研究是基於實務現象之觀察,發現近年來高價名牌商品在台灣逐漸熱賣,過去購買奢侈品往往是名人或身處金字塔頂端族群的專利,但隨著電視媒體的置入性行銷,加上各大百貨公司紛紛引進各式的時尚奢侈品品牌,在台灣購買奢侈品的便利性也隨之提升,這也導致購買奢侈性的消費變成了全民運動,購買的年齡層也明顯的逐漸下降中。除此之外,有關奢侈品的研究在過去較少被提及,這也構成了本研究另一主要的研究動機。 本論文所研究的產品專注在奢侈品上,而奢侈品的指的則為歐美流行服飾品牌為主。本研究目的分別探討:訊息來源、購買動機、消費價值是否會對消費者在奢侈品的購買行為上產生影響、並透過干擾變數探討不同世代別消費者之訊息來源、購買動機與消費價值對消費者奢侈品購買行為是否有所差異。本研究採用問卷調查法,回收有效樣本共計374份,並將之區分為「有購買」與「未購買」過奢侈品的兩個族群加以探討。最後以效度及信度分析、敘述性統計分析、相關分析、變異數分析及迴歸分析等方法對資料進行分析。 研究結果透過簡單迴歸分析得知,不論在有購買或未購買過奢侈品的消費族群上,訊息來源、購買動機、消費價值三個變數的皆會對消費者在奢侈品的購買行為上產生影響,其中又以消費價值的影響力為最大。然而透過逐步迴歸分析,不論有無購買過奢侈品,在訊息來源上,均以非個人訊息的影響為最大。在引發購買動機上,則以個人動機為主。在消費價值上,有購買過奢侈品的消費族群,較重視條件性價值及社會性價值,而在未購買過奢侈品的消費族群,則為功能性價值及條件性價值。最後透過複迴歸的分析,結果顯示了加入世代別變數的確是具有顯著的干擾作用。 綜合研究結果本研究貢獻與建議中,學術上貢獻主要為藉由本研究架構的建立,加以探討對奢侈品購買行為之影響因素。而在實務上,提醒廠商應瞭解到不同世代別消費者購買奢侈品的訊息來源、購買動機、消費價值可能有所差異。且訊息來源的確會對消費者在購買奢侈品行為上產生影響,特別是在非個人資訊來源上。同時也讓廠商知道,引發消費者對奢侈品的購買動機主要來自社會動機。廠商也應更加重視消費者購買奢侈品的條件性價值及社會性價值。最後,提醒廠商,應多加強調購買奢侈品的功能性價值,以吸引未購買過奢侈品的消費者實際去購買奢侈品。


This research is based upon the observation of the practice phenomenon that famous-brand goods are on hot sale. Buying the luxury goods in the past , often was famous persons or in the patent of the ethnicity of top of the Pyramid. But with the putting into marketing of the media of the TV , every large department store introduce various types of fashion luxury goods brands one after another , the convenience of buying the luxury goods in Taiwan improves thereupon too. This results in buying luxurious consumption and becoming the whole people's fervor too. In addition, the research about the luxury goods is less likely to be mentioned in the past, this also formed research motivation. This research focuses on luxury goods, but what luxury goods point to American-European popular clothing brand. This research try to discuss the following items separately: Message source, buying motivation, and consumption value whether have an influence on consumers on the purchase behavior of the luxury goods. And through interfere parameter; we will discuss the purchase behavior on different generation from message source, buying motivation and consumption value. This research uses the questionnaire method, which collects 374 effective samples, and separates it into ' buy ' and ‘not buy’. And we analyze with the statistic methods. The result of study, no matter in buying or not buying the consumption ethnicity of the luxury goods , message source , the buying motivation, and consumption value will all have influences on consumer purchasing behavior of the luxury goods, among them regard influence power of consumption value as biggest. But through analyzing progressively, no matter bought the luxury goods, on the message source, regard influence of non- personal message as biggest. In causing the motive of buying, rely mainly on personal motive. On consumption value , have bought the consumption ethnicity of the luxury goods, relatively pay attention to condition value and social value, but has not been buying the consumption ethnicity of the luxury goods , it is functional value and condition value . Through replying the analysis coming back finally, the result has not shown and joined generation the parameter really have apparent interference effect. This research can be shown in two departs: At academy, this study can point out the influence factor in purchasing luxury goods. At practice, it can be find that different generation consumers could have different message source, buying motivation, and consumption value. Furthermore, message source do have influence on luxury goods purchasing, especially on the non- personal message source. And actually, the luxury goods buying motivation is mainly from the social motivation. Also, this study recommends that the seller should pay more attention to consumer's condition value and social value of buying luxury goods. Finally, this study reminds that the seller could strengthen the functional value of buying luxury goods, in order to attract un-bought consumers to purchase the luxury goods.


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