  • 學位論文


The Study of Witness Lee’s Christology

指導教授 : 吳昶興


李常受的神學思想架構不同於傳統的系統神學,他的著作中也不見有專書闡明自己的「基督論」。李氏慣以「神的經綸」一詞為中心,來建構他聖經中的重要神學思想。他認為神的經綸這一概念貫穿了整本聖經六十六卷書,這是一個極其奧秘之思想,而他的基督論也從此處孕育生。 本文探討李常受之基督論在身位上和工作上重點,因李常受基督論的主要內涵在身位(person)上有許多方面的講究,故筆者嘗試從其著作中有關基督論的神學思想,粗略地分類:(一)基督是救主耶穌、(二)基督是那靈、(三)基督是生命、(四)基督是教會的頭。有關基督的工作,依其著作《基督的三個時期─成肉體、總括與加強》分成三個時期:(一)成肉體(incarnation)、(二)總括(inclusion)與(三)加強(intensification)三個時期。而基督的所是所為都是以神的經綸為其脈絡,串起整本聖經。本文再從基督的身位、工作兩方面來探討李常受基督論的四個問題:基督是受造者嗎?子是父嗎?基督成為那靈嗎?人能成為神嗎?以分李常受基督論主要的理論、聖經之詮釋,及其召會運作實際情形,以釐清困惑眾召會信徒的真理和實行的問題。


The Theological framework of Witness Lee is different from the traditional Systemic Theology while Lee’s Christology is not explicitly explained in any of his works. Lee’s framework is structured on the basis of God’s economy, a crucial concept lies in sixty-six books of The Scriptures as well as a starting point of Lee’s Christology. This study discusses His person and His work in Lee’s Christology. The author, in accordance with Lee’s works where His person plays a theme role in many aspects, tried to roughly classify His person into the followings: 1) Christ is the Messiah; 2) Christ is Spirit; 3) Christ is Life; 4) Christ is Head of the church. The author also classified His work into three stages by Lee’s book, The Three Stage of Christ- Incarnation, Inclusion and Intensification. His work lies in the context of God’s Economy throughout The Scriptures. The study makes a further discussion on four questions from Lee’s Christology in terms of His person and His work: 1) Is Christ the Creature? 2) Is the Son the Father? 3) Does Christ become Spirit? 4) Can Man become God? By means of discussing and analyzing the theme of Lee’s Christology, the explanation of The Scriptures, and actual operation of his Assembly, the study hopes to clarify the Assembly believers’ confusion on the truth of gospel and the way to practice it.


3. 劉秋華,〈李常受的羅馬書釋義及其生機救恩論〉,桃園:中原大學宗教研究碩士論文,2011。
7. 林伯雄,〈關於以賽亞書九章六節,基督與父神是同一位嗎?〉,《華神期刊》 No.3,2012.10月。
4. 彭淑卿,〈倪柝聲的末世論教會觀〉,新北市:臺灣基督教文藝出版社;華宣發行,2011。
2. 許秀敏,〈李常受教會觀之研究—「神的經營思想」之詮釋與實踐〉,桃園:中原大學宗教研究碩士論文,2012
6. 林伯雄,〈歌羅西書一章十五節的解經爭論:基督是受造之物的第一個嗎?〉, 《華神期刊》No.4,2013.10月。

