  • 學位論文


Key Success Factors of Industry 4.0 Implementation for the Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprises in Taiwan

指導教授 : 邱榆淨


臺灣製造業對外面對國際全球化競爭及經濟環境的變化,對內面臨勞動人口高齡化、產業缺工等問題,再面對更短的產品生命週期、更多樣化的客製需求、以及不斷升高的勞動成本等衝擊,唯有提升生產力人均產值與加速產業轉型升級,提昇企業競爭力,才是企業永續經營的關鍵。工業4.0智慧自動化的應用解決了製造業回應速度、生產效率提升與高度靈活的問題,進而提升生產力,提高企業競爭力。 本研究以臺灣中小企業製造業落地工業4.0為研究主題,探討中小企業製造業落地工業4.0之關鍵成功因素,藉由整理相關文獻及德爾菲法専家訪問,整合不同群體意見,再運用決策實驗室法為基礎的網路分析程序法(DEMATEL-based ANP, DANP),發展落地工業4.0之組成構面及準則,建構影響工業4.0落地構面準則間的相互因果關係,以做為臺灣中小企業製造業推展工業4.0落地之參考。 本研究結果顯示,影響製造業工業4.0落地之關鍵構面為「外部環境」與「經營策略」,而「外部環境」與「經營策略」存在相互影響之關係。影響製造業工業4.0落地之關鍵準則有「產業競爭優勢」、「營運模式」、「掌握市場需求」、「營收穩定」、「顧客關係管理」、「高階管理者的支持」、「企業創新能力」及「人才培育」等。在關鍵準則中「產業競爭優勢」、「營運模式」、「掌握市場需求」、「營收穩定」、「顧客關係管理」「高階管理者的支持」的績效表現較佳,對於製造業工業4.0落地的重要度相對也高,建議繼續保持。然而在關鍵準則中、「企業創新能力」及「人才培育」的績效表現不佳,仍有可努力的空間。 臺灣中小企業製造業資源相當有限,在企業面對競爭力求轉型升級時,掌握關鍵成功因素可讓製造業將有限資源達到最佳的運用,本研究發現與結果,期望有助於臺灣中小企業製造業於工業4.0推進過程可有所運用與幫助。


Taiwanese manufacturing face of global competition and changes in the international economic environment, internal labor faces an aging population, shortage of industrial workers and other issues, to face shorter product life cycles, more diverse customization requirements, and rising labor costs impact, only to enhance productivity per capita GDP and accelerate industrial transformation and upgrading, to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, business continuity is crucial. Industry 4.0 Application Automation wisdom to solve the manufacturing responsiveness, efficiency and highly flexible production problems and thus enhance productivity and improve competitiveness of enterprises. In this study, Taiwan Business Industry 4.0 Manufacturing implementation for the study of the theme, the SMEs industrial manufacturing implementation critical success factors of Industry 4.0, with the compilation of relevant documents and Delphi method, Graduate home access, integrating the views of different groups, and then use DEMATEL-based ANP,, the development of industrial floor composition facets and criteria Industry 4.0, the construction of the mutual causal impact of industrial floor facets criteria between Industry 4.0 to as SMEs As a reference of Industry 4.0 implementation foe SMEs in Taiwan. The results of this study shows that effect of key facets of Industry 4.0 implementation are "external environment" and "business strategy", and "external environment" and "business strategy", there is a correlation of influence. Effect of manufacturing industry key criterion 4.0 of landing there "industrial competitiveness", "business model", "grasp the market demand," "revenue stability", "Customer Relationship Management", "Top management support", "Business Innovation ability "and" personnel training "and so on. "Industry Competitive Advantage" in the key criterion, "business model", "grasp the market demand," "revenue stability," the performance of the performance of "customer relationship management" "Top management support" for better, for the manufacturing industry 4.0 importance landing is relatively high, it is recommended to maintain. However, the key criterion, performance show "innovation capability" and "personnel training" poor, there are still efforts to space. SMEs in Taiwan resources are limited, in the face of competition and strive to upgrade the enterprise, the master key success factors allows manufacturing to achieve the best use of limited resources, and the results of this study found that, expect help SMEs. Made in Taiwan industry 4.0 industry in advancing the process may be using and help.




