  • 學位論文


A Study on the Spatial Planning of Hospital’s Obstetrics and Gynecology Department from the Viewpoint of A Gender-Friendly Medical Environment

指導教授 : 曾光宗 張釋之


隨著女性主義的抬頭,人們逐漸注重到關於女性醫病關係與身體自主權,讓女性病患能為自身的利益發聲。事實上女性對於性別友善醫療環境之需求較高,尤其是婦產科門診、身體檢查與觸診等醫療項目上,性別友善觀念對於醫療流程設計與空間上應該為女性打造一個舒適的空間。本研究利用性別友善醫療環境作為探討的出發點,運用資料收集、分類及分析法,將國內醫院建築、性別友善相關研究文獻進行調查與分析。研究整理出隱私、安全、便利、舒適之指標對婦產科相關空間加以檢討,並從建築設計的角度去探討性別友善醫療環境應如何達到指標之規範。 本研究除研究國內外案例外,主要以壢新醫院為探討對象,透過問卷以性別友善醫療環境指標對醫院婦產科空間使用現況與問題進行訪談,該問卷經過醫院人體試驗委員會審核通過,對病患及醫護人員做出結構式問卷調查。過程中經由研究者向調查及訪談對象解釋研究目的與流程,並且簽署研究同意書後收案。研究結果可做為醫療院所及建築設計者,在設計醫院空間時針對性別友善設計的部分,有助於病患在空間中達到隱私、安全、舒適、便利之效果。 研究結果顯示,婦產科病患及護理人員對於性別友善醫療環境之空間使用問題與對策如下: (1)對於病患空間的隱私性:能保有個人空間之獨立性,且病患在個人領域能受到保護,如有獨立內診間、報到處之隱私性;(2)安全性:醫護人員能隨時做好防護措施,即時注意病患之安全,並提供完善的醫療環境,如輪椅的提供及無障礙設施之設計;(3)舒適性:讓病患在醫院裡得到情緒的舒緩、放鬆自在的感覺,如候診區等候椅之舒適度及病房溫度能依照個人感受之調節;(4)便利性: 有專人協助、動線規劃之順暢及便利即時的衛教資訊,如數位化的動線說明及衛教資訊。因此,性別友善醫療環境能提供更貼近病患需求之服務,並達到現代化空間及設備,使建築設計在醫療領域上的品質提升。


With the rise of feminism, people have gradually paid greater attention to women’s doctor-patient relationship and physical autonomy. Female patients are allowed to express opinions about their medical benefits. In fact, women have a higher demand for a gender-friendly medical environment, particularly regarding medical items such as outpatient service, physical examination, and palpation in the obstetrics and gynecology department. Through a gender-friendly concept and the design and space of the medical process, a comfortable space should be created for women. Based on a gender-friendly medical environment and from data collection, classification, and analysis, this study investigates and explores the literature related to hospital buildings in Taiwan and gender-friendly issues and reorganizes the measures of privacy, safety, convenience, and comfort in order to examine space in the obstetrics and gynecology department. In terms of architecture design, it attempts to find how a gender-friendly medical environment can adhere to hospital policies. Aside from studying foreign and domestic cases, this study treats Landseed Hospital as the subject. By a questionnaire and by measures of a gender-friendly medical environment, it conducts interviews on current spatial use and the problems of the obstetrics and gynecology department in the hospital. The questionnaire passed the examination of the hospital’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) so as to develop a structural questionnaire survey on patients and medical personnel. In the process, the researcher explains the research purposes and process to the subjects, and the samples are collected after the subjects sign an agreement. The findings can be criteria for hospital and architecture designers when setting up a gender-friendly space in hospitals that result in patients’ privacy, safety, comfort, and convenience. The research findings present spatial use and the policy of patients and nursing personnel in the obstetrics and gynecology department toward a gender-friendly medical environment as follows: (1) privacy of patients’ space: it must maintain the independence of personal space. Patients’ must be protected on anything that is personal, such as an independent room for private diagnosis and privacy during registration; (2) safety: medical personnel should offer protection measures at all times and pay attention to patients’ safety. A complete medical environment should be provided, such as wheelchairs and a barrier-free facility design; (3) comfort: patients should be emotionally relaxed in a hospital. For instance, chairs in waiting room should be comfortable and the temperature in the wards can be regulated according to personal feelings; (4) convenience: specific personnel assistance should be provided like smooth route planning and convenient and immediate health education information, such as digital route presentation and health education information. Therefore, a gender-friendly medical environment can provide services that do match patients’ needs and offer space and facilities that are modern. The quality of architecture design in the medical field can thus be upgraded.


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