  • 學位論文


The Research of Crosslinked PE Foam(efoam)Technology Development of Innovative Applications

指導教授 : 張達德


發泡材料是以熱塑性或熱固性樹脂為基材,以物理或化學的方式使內 部充填無數微小氣孔的塑膠,可以說是以氣體為填料的複合塑膠,具有高強度、輕質、衝擊吸收、隔音和隔熱等效能,且可以透過改變配方及成型技術來改變其性能及用途。 本研究藉由兩種試驗來探討環保電子架橋PE 泡棉在建築材料領域應 用的可行性評估。第一部分試驗以植生箱模擬綠化屋頂,並以不同發泡倍率的發泡材料作為阻抗根系穿透層並探究其效果。第二部分的試驗以不同發泡倍率及厚度的發泡材料作為新式隔間牆的夾層墊材,探討不同的發泡材料對於阻隔聲音的效果。 由此兩部分試驗所得結果,發泡材料對於不論是應用在屋頂綠化或是 隔間牆夾層中,都能達到一定的效果。顯示環保電子架橋PE 泡棉在建築領域的應用上能夠取代傳統材料,達到環境保護、節能、減排的功效。


Foam materials are thermoplastic or thermosetting resin as base material, by physical or chemical means and filled by countless tiny pores of plastic, can be said to be gas-filler composite plastic, high strength, lightweight, soundproofing and heat insulation, shock absorption, such as effectiveness, and by changing the formulation and forming technologies changes its properties and applications. Studied in this report two kinds of tests to explore environmentally friendly electronic bridge PE foam feasibility assessment in building materials. First part of simulation experiment with planting box green roofs, and with different foaming of foamed material as root penetration and to explore the effect of impedance. The second part of the experiment with different foaming and the thickness of the foam pad material as a new partition wall dissection, evaluate the effect of different foamed materials for sound barrier. This two-part test results, foamed material whether it is used in the roof garden or partition walls in sandwich, to achieve a certain effect. Display environmental electronic bridge PE foam can replace traditional materials on the application in the field of architecture, to environmental protection, energy saving, emission reduction effect.


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