  • 學位論文


The Effects of Product Quality, Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty The Case of UNI-PRESIDENT ORGANICS CORP.

指導教授 : 廖本哲


中文摘要 近年來有機市場的商機越來越大,消費者容易因為產品品質及服務品質好壞而影響購買商品意願,如何讓消費者擁有較高滿意度及成為公司的忠誠顧客,將是各家有機業者不可忽視的議題。 本研究旨在探討有機業零售業,在顧客消費時提供的產品品質與服務品質對其滿意度是否有影響,對於顧客內心所感受到滿意度與該公司認知上是否產生認知差異,最終對於顧客忠誠度是否有一定程度的影響性。並且從中去試圖瞭解『產品品質』、『服務品質』、『顧客滿意度』、『顧客忠誠度』四者間的關聯性。 研究背景有機零售公司為統一生機開發股份有限公司,主要業務是提供消費者有機商品,研究對象為台中以北統一生機門市及專櫃消費顧客,藉由問卷發放,採取隨機抽樣方式進行問卷資料蒐集,並提出具體建議供統一生機開發股份有限公司改善參考。 經過本研究資料分析,產品品質與服務品質的好壞,皆會直接影響到顧客的滿意度高低,產品品質是目前食安議題下,消費者最重視的要素,除此之外做好服務品質,在顧客至上的有機服務務業更是重要,有好的服務才有好的滿意度,兩者都做得好,將可以有效提升顧客對滿意的程度,而顧客滿意度是零售業最重視的因子,研究結果顯示顧客滿意度的提升,可以有效幫助顧客忠誠度的提高及後續再購意願。 在分析產品品質及服務品質構面也發現,在產品提升至一定水平後,消費者對於服務品質需求更勝以往,除服務態度外,專業知識是否滿足消費者需求,成為影響滿意度表現的重要因素,因此上述現象值得有機零售業進行深入探討。 關鍵詞:產品品質、服務品質、顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度。


Abstract The market for organic products has become bigger and bigger in recent years. Product quality and service quality play the influential factors in affecting customer’s purchasing willingness. Providing relatively high levels of satisfying service and to create loyal customers are therefore major tasks that no organic product provider would overlook. The main aim of current study is to investigate organic retailers; whether product quality and service quality influence the satisfactory level of the customers; whether different levels of satisfactory influence customers’ recognition of the company, and finally whether such recognition influence different level of product loyalty of the customers towards the companies. The current study also attempted to understand the relationship among product quality, service quality, customer’s satisfaction and customer’s royalty. The research target is an organic retailer, UNI-PRESIDENT ORGANICS CORP. Its main operation is to provide organic non-toxic products. Research participants included customers of President organic retailers and counters in north to Taichung areas. Random sampling of questionnaire was used to collect research data and participants were requested to provide specific suggestions as improvement reference for UNI-PRESIDENT ORGANICS CORP. According to the analysis of the current study, product quality and service quality directly influence customers’ different degree of satisfactory. Food quality, among all the food safety concerns, is the most thought about topics among customers. In addition, to provide good service quality is the most important task in customer-orientated organic business. Good service leads to good satisfactory, and customer satisfactory is the most important task for organic reatilers. According to the research findings, promotion of customer satisfactory will effectively improve customer purchasing loyalty and their desire to purchase continuously. According to findings with regard to analysis on product quality and service quality, customers request much more on service quality when product quality has reached to a certain high level. In addition to service manner, professional knowledge has become an important factor in different degree of satisfactory. The above mentioned are worthy of investigating for organic retailers. Keywords:Product Quality, Service Quality ,Customer Satisfaction ,Customer Loyalty


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