  • 學位論文


Exploring Male Consumers’ Consumption Intentions On Vehicle Modification : Self-moderating as A Moderator

指導教授 : 陳蓁逸 高一誠


中文有句「佛要金裝、人要衣裝」即意謂注重儀表裝飾,這樣的意義套用到汽車車輛的時候,也就是代表著車輛改裝。當消費者決定要購買某項產品或是服務時,看重的是購買後所獲得的回饋,而這樣的回饋不僅只是實物上的獲得,更可以是情感上的滿足。對於某些消費者而言,有時無形的情感滿足更超過實物價值,而除了實體物品的價值外,消費者個人擁有的私有物或是滿足消費者受到別人注目的需要。車輛改裝除了代表車主的個性與表現車輛的與眾不同,同時也是車主們對車輛愛的展現。 本研究問卷採用網路問卷方式進行資料蒐集,共計回收有效問卷166份,以PLS-SEM作為統計分析工具。問卷內容分為消費價值(實用價值、享樂價值、功能價值、社會價值、情感價值、新奇價值)、文化價值(開放性、利己性、保守性、利他性)、自我監控人格特質、消費意願及基本資料五個部份,研究對象以男性車車為主,探討「消費價值」、「文化價值」等變數是否會影響消費者改裝車輛的意願,並加入消費者特質自我監控程度,探討其對消費者價值與改裝車輛意願是否具有干擾效果。研究結果顯示享樂價值、社會價值、情感價值及新奇價值對消費者改裝車輛意願具有顯著正向影響。


Chinese there is a sentence "Buddha to gold, people to dress" means to pay attention to instrument decoration, such a meaning used in the car vehicle, that is, represents the vehicle modification.. When a consumer decides to buy a product or service, the value is the feedback received after the purchase, and this feedback is not only a physical gain, but also an emotional satisfaction. For some consumers, sometimes intangible emotional satisfaction is more than the physical value, and in addition to the value of physical goods, Private property owned by consumers or to meet the consumer's need to be noticed by others. In addition to representing the personality of the owner and the performance of the vehicle, the vehicle modification is also a display of the owner's love for the vehicle. This study questionnaire was collected by means of network questionnaire, and 166 valid questionnaires were collected, with PLS-SEM as the statistical analysis tool. The contents of the questionnaire are divided into five parts: consumer value (utilitarian value, hedonic value, functional value, social value, emotional value, epistemic value), cultural value (openness to change, self-enhancement, conservation, self-transcendence), self-monitoring personality traits, consumption intention and basic information. To explore whether variables such as consumer value and cultural value will affect consumers' purchase intention to modify vehicles, and self-monitoring(low / high), to explore whether they interfere with consumer value and purchase intention to modify vehicles. The results of the study as hedonic value, social value, emotional value and epistemic value have positive influence on consumers' purchasing intention to modify vehicles.


一. 中文文獻
Baudrillard, J.。劉成富、全志剛譯(2001),消費社會,南京:南京大學出版社。
