  • 學位論文


The Research of Strategy for PTA Industry

指導教授 : 謝龍發


摘要 石化產業一向扮演我國經濟發展的支柱,2010年我國整體石化上中下游產值已達到4.1兆的產業規模,其產值占台灣總體製造業近25%。尤其PTA為石油的下端產品,提供中下游各相關產業之關鍵生產原料供應。 本研究特以PTA產業為主題,探討PTA廠商採取何種經營策略,使其逐漸成長茁壯。先藉由討論產業價值鏈內的狀況,進一步瞭解產業的整體環境,以個案訪談分析PTA廠商如何採取策略行動。最後,嘗試提出建議,以作為該產業之廠商未來發展的策略參考。 研究結果發現: 1.技術與設備的垂直整合,將提升上下游自動化的程度,大幅降低成本,同時提升產品的產能。2.相對規模與規模經濟方面,因為產能的擴充,造成設備方面的規模經濟,進而降低成本。3.在競爭優勢方面,個案A公司最大的競爭優勢來自於有效的成本控管與產能提升。 本研究從個案廠商及整體產業經營環境中彙整研究分析探討,並提出結論與建議如下: 研究結論方面:PTA廠商應重視產銷均衡,穩健擴張與因應全球綠能趨勢,使供應鏈與個案A公司成為綠色產業。且需以長期合約掌握原料之擬定供應價格與數量、擴大產能以提高規模經濟,降低生產成本、以競爭性之彈性價格策略爭取新客戶,吸收擴充之產能、以產能擴充方式達到人力多元運用,降低單位人力成本。 研究建議方面: 1.高耗能產業之綠能使用尚待研究 因全球原油、天然氣的儲存量有限,且中國大陸的能源需求激增,「能源恐慌」正逐漸蔓延全球。因此,在「能源短缺」與「生態環保」的帶動下,究竟能為台灣PTA廠商創造出哪些「綠色商機」?是尚待研究的課題。 2.完整產業供應鏈研究 由於PTA產業銷售市場主要集中於聚酯企業,若聚酯業景氣周期結束,開工率將進一步下滑,產品高庫存將成為常態化;而從PTA產業鏈來看,上游生產與終端消費存在需求的矛盾。故PTA行業需要通力合作,並朝向完整產業供應鏈來發展。 關鍵詞:PTA,策略矩陣分析法,事業策略分析


Abstract Petrochemical industry, which has been playing an important role in propelling our country’s economic development, provides essential materials to support electronic industry, photovoltaic industry, textile industry, automotive manufacturing, and construction material manufacturing. In 2010, the output value of the upper, middle and lower stream of the petrochemical industrial chain reached NT$ 4.1 trillion, which accounted for nearly 25% of the total output value of Taiwan’s manufacturing industry. PTA, the industry’s lower stream product, supplies raw materials for important middle and lower stream industries. This research aims to analyze what strategies PTA companies adopt to develop themselves. The discussion begins with an analysis of the industrial value chain and the overall industrial environment. A case study is followed and the strategies adopted by the PTA companies are examined by using Dr. Szu-Tu’s Strategic Matrix Method. Finally, recommendations for the PTA industry’s future development are provided as reference for the industry and companies. The research results show that: 1. The vertical integration of technologies and facilities can enhance the automation level on the upper and lower stream, greatly reduce costs, and improve product capacity. 2. The expanded capacity leads to facilities with economics of scale and reduced costs. 3. One of the biggest competitive advantages of the case company A is its effective cost control and improved capacity. This research concludes that: PTA companies should balance supply and demand, maintain stable development, and move toward green industries in light of the global trend of green energy. Long-term contracts can secure materials’ costs and quantity, expanded capacity can enhance economics of scale with reduced costs, and competitive flexible prices can attract new customers. Capacity expansion leads to diverse manpower utilization and reduced labor costs. This research provides recommendations as stated as follow: 1. Further research is still needed in analyzing the use of green energy in high energy consuming industries. Given the limited crude oil and natural gas reserve as well as the increasing energy demand from the Mainland China, the energy crisis is spreading over the world. Research remains to be done in order to explore what green business opportunity that Taiwan’s PTA industries may create under the influence of energy shortage and the trend of ecology protection. 2. A complete industrial supply chain is worth for research. The PTA industry market mainly focuses on polyester enterprises. Once the polyester enterprises’ prosperity stage is over, the operating rate goes down and high inventory becomes a norm. A contradiction exists between upstream production and final consumption on the PTA industrial chain. Thus the PTA industry should work together to develop a complete industrial supply chain. Keyword: PTA, Strategic Matrix Method, Business Strategy Analysis


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