  • 學位論文


A Study on Emotional Labor for Logistic Staff in the Military Force

指導教授 : 吳美連


論文摘要 組織中「情緒勞務」對於國內、外服務業帶來相當大的經營思維衝擊,隨著顧客導向時代的來臨,顧客個人的觀感,著實影響組織的發展,國軍因應需求及潮流,在後勤管理實務中亦導入「服務」的概念,尤以近十年來,「主動服務到家」的概念,已落實到平時實務且蟄伏於後勤官兵意識之中,檢視國軍後勤效率的提昇不僅鑽研於策略規劃、資訊科技運用等,在於官兵個人情緒認知上亦應協予某種程度上的改變;惟探索國軍相關後勤學術研究後發現,其多著墨於組織體制變革、作業流程、系統之精進與革新、以及武器裝備性能提昇等相關議題,對於組織中情緒的研究尚未有著墨,本研究係深入探索國軍後勤部隊人員情緒勞務議題,並揭啟該領域之研究方向。 本研究目的乃探討國軍後勤部隊人員情緒勞務認知及其影響因素,以工作特性、內外控人格特質及背景特徵為前因變項,情緒勞務認知為結果變項,期了解國軍後勤部隊人員對情緒勞務負荷之認知,將研究所得,提供管理單位相關決策及研究參考,期凝聚後勤官兵士氣、提昇工作效率及績效。除蒐整文獻及探討外,並採問卷調查方式,以聯合後勤司令部所屬後勤部隊為研究對象進行實證,有效樣本回收共計582份,有效樣本回收率80.83%。經統計分析及研究結果歸納出以下重要的研究結論: 一、國軍後勤部隊人員情緒勞務認知界定於中高負荷程度。 二、工作特性與情緒勞務認知各構面間僅工作重要性、情緒多樣性程度未有顯著的關聯,而後勤部隊文化與作業規範正是構成上述未顯著關聯之主因。 三、內外控人格特質與情緒多樣性程度有負向顯著的相關;與基本情緒表達、與顧客互動程度呈現顯著正相關。 四、從情緒勞務的工作類型歸結「國軍後勤部隊人員之人格特質與其工作特性有相當適切的組合」。 五、個人背景特徵之連續變項中,以年齡與情緒勞務認知上最具顯著相關;間斷變項中,以職務在情緒勞務認知上最具顯著差異。 綜上,本研究建議後勤部隊應掌握單位情緒勞務負荷,訂定情緒表達準據,優先正視影響情緒勞務認知中的少數關鍵因子,可以品管圈的思維,導引並建立情緒溝通的文化以及適切遴選、召募對象,以符後勤實需。


Abstract “Emotional labor” in organization has brought considerable impact on the management mindset of domestic and overseas service industries. With the era of client-orientation approaching, the individual feelings of clients have, in deed, brought much influence to the development of organization. The military service has, in coping with needs as well as trends, introduced the conception of “service” in the practice of logistic management, especially in last 10 years; the idea of “active service to home” has already realized in the regular practice and is found hidden in the consciousness of logistic servicemen. Therefore, if we are to examine the enhancement of logistic efficiency of the military it is not merely to focus on the study of strategy planning, and use of information technology, but also on the emotion cognition of the servicemen which should also be provided with certain extent of change. It is found from relevant logistic academic researchers as we explore that most of them are focused on the change of organization system, operation workflow, improvement and reform of system, and function enhancement of military equipment and relevant issues, and research on emotion within organization is hardly touched. Therefore, this study would deeply explore the issue of emotional labor of logistic personnel in the military service, and initiate the study in that particular area. The purpose of this study is to explore the cognition of emotional labor and factors of impact on the logistic personnel in the military service, making use of work features, locus of control of personality trait, and background characteristics as the antecedent variable, while cognition of emotional labor as outcome variable. As such, it is hoped to appreciate the cognition of logistic personnel in the military service towards emotion burden, and the research results obtained will be rendered to the management authorities for relevant decision making and reference of study in order to coalesce morale of the servicemen, and enhance work efficiency and performance. Aside from literatures collection and investigation, questionnaire survey is employed taking the logistic troops of the Joint Command of Logistics as its target of research for substantiation. The number of returned valid questionnaire is 582, amounting to 80.83% of valid sample retrieved. And several important research conclusions reached and concluded after statistic analysis and research results are found as follows: 1. The cognition of emotional labor of logistic personnel of the military service is defined at medium to high level of load. 2. Among each of the aspects of work features and cognition of emotional labor, only that there is no prominent association between work importance and extent of emotional diversity, while the culture of logistic troop and operation regulations are of the primary factors that have construed the above-mentioned less than prominent association. 3. Locus of control of personal traits and extent of emotional diversity are prominently associated in negative terms, while prominently positive association is found between fundamental emotional expressions to the extent of customer interaction. 4. As concluded from the work types of emotional labor, we observe “significantly suitable combination of personality trait of the logistic personnel in the military to their work features.” 5. From the consecutive variables of personal background characteristics, it is found that age and cognition of emotional labor are give with prominent association; as for discrete variable, it is found that job-duty is given with the most prominent difference in terms of cognition of emotional labor. As recapitulation, the research suggests that the logistic troop should well master the burden of emotion labor of its unit, stipulate criteria of emotional expression, and place prioritized attention to the few critical factors that affect the cognition of emotional labor so as to have the mindset of quality control circle. As such, it can help introduce and establish the culture of emotional communication and select and recruit suitable subjects for the actual needs of logistics.




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