  • 學位論文

產業聚群演化與企業經營策略關係之研究 -以大陸地區台商投資之PCB產業為研究對象

A Research of Relations Between Business Strategy and Industrial Clustering Evolution -Taiwan Based PCB Business Groups Invested in Mainland China

指導教授 : 嚴奇峰


生命之所以永恆啟源於不間斷的進化,隨著時間推移而改變,物種為生存而競爭演化天擇再演化再天擇,台灣過去數十年來的高度經濟發展,源自於台灣企業對環境變動的適應能力及產業的聚群完整,亦源自於東西方的政治對立及中國的鎖國,在1991年以後中國以建設俱有中國特色的社會主義國家的方針指導下,加速經濟改革步伐,計劃性的調整產業結構,大舉的開放沿海城市及靈活的運用外資建全投資環境,快速而有效率的發展國家經濟,一時之間中國週邊的國家經濟環境亦隨之改變。 隨著台商PCB產業將製造廠移轉至中國大陸且逐步建構成熟的同時,台灣卻有逐步解構之情形,三十餘年來台灣PCB產業的高度發展肇因於政府政策的鼓勵及引導,國家為促進產業發展提供租税優惠和基礎建設完善PCB產業在此一基礎下形成平龐大的聚群效果,爾後因在電腦科技的轉變及市場渗率大幅提升的市場強勁的須求下各路資金紛紛投入PCB產業帶動整個產業爆發性增長。 在產業聚群地理位置集中的優勢下建構了,强又有力及應變能力強的企業特性及俱競爭優勢的企業,在產業聚群之後又在整體經濟環境高度變化的影響下各自演化及異質化遷徒再同質化再異質化再遷徙,當整體環境改變資源減少,在政府政策轉變不再支持產業的過度發展時,在相對低度經濟開發區域為求經濟發展提供優惠的租稅及土地成本低廉的誘因下,中小型板廠開始轉進為其主要趨力,並在該區域形成產業再次聚群為一次複製聚群。 一次複製聚群(次核心成員)隨時間的變動而演化及異質化,而異質化之二次複製聚群成員再次遷徒進入競爭力強的大型PCB廠一次複製聚群(主核心成員)區位並與之競爭並且同時轉型,PCB產業高度聚群異質化後,主要成員企業經營策略為利基策略,與策略夥伴遷徙至利基市場區位,主要核心成員開始分裂並開始複製聚群,大型PCB廠的一次複製聚群遷移的區位選擇著眼於市場區位的選擇。 關鍵字:產業聚群;演化;企業經營策略;PCB產業


Abstract Life is permanent due to ever-lasting evolution and keeps making progress when time passes. Species keeps on making evolution relentlessly and natural selection is being made continuously. The high economic growth rates in Taiwan during the last few decades result from that adaptability to environmental changes and also have mass effects on Taiwan enterprises and from political antagonism between the East and West and also China’s closing the country to the international intercourse. Amid the policy in 1991 that China plans to develop a socialism country with Chinese characters, China accelerates economic reform pace, and adjusts industry structure with organizing plans and opens cities along seashore to the international and uses foreign capital to enhance investing environment in flexibility to develop national economy efficiently and rapidly.The economic environments in the countries neighboring China have also changed due to China’s economic influence. While Taiwan PCB industry has established a matured structure in China after the industry has migrated from Taiwan, the PCB industry in Taiwan has already started the decompose process. Taiwan PCB industry’s rapid development in the last three decades was due to the encouragement and guide from the government’s policies. The Taiwan government provides taxation discount and complete basic infrastructure to promote the PCB industry development which has created a mass clustering effect. Due to the computer technology revolution and substantial increase of market shares and strong market demands, huge capital swarms to create the PCB industry’s explosive growth and development. The advantage due to the industry mass geographical concentration leads to strong and powerful and highly-adaptive corporate characters and competitive corporate edges. After the mass effect has been created, each industry evolves and heterogeneity migrates with homogeneity and heterogeneity in nature and the migration cycle keeps on. When resources reduce due to whole environment’s change, the government changes its policies to stop the excessive industry development. The relatively less developed economic areas provides taxation discounts and such inducements as cheap land in pursuit of economic development, small to medium size factories have started to migrate into the relatively less developed economic areas to become the major players to created the mass effects again by simply duplicating the mass theory. The first duplicated cluster (subordination core member) develops evolution and heterogeneity when the time passes. The second mass players of heterogeneity migrate into the niche market of highly competitive large factories. The first duplicated cluster (main-core member) and compete with big companies and also have made corporate transformation. After PCB industry’s high heterogeneity, major enterprises’ management strategies are niche-market strategies and migrating to niche market with strategic partners altogether. The main-core start up disintegrate and to make mass duplicated clustering at niche market area that all concern on the market position. Keywords: Industrial clustering, Evolution, Business Strategies,PCB Industrial


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