  • 學位論文


A Study of Using Delphi Method and ANP on Component Suppliers Selection for Automobile Manufacturers

指導教授 : 周永燦


台灣汽車產業屬於高技術密集的產業,在目前產業高度競爭的時代,有良好的供應鏈管理被視為企業競爭力的有利條件;台灣汽車零組件供應商共有3000多間,因此企業如何選擇和評估合適的供應商亦是維持永續經營的重要因素。但因產業時空背景已與以往不同,造成許多成車廠在選擇供應商時亦會與以往有所改變。如何在眾多供應商中選出可信賴且可長期合作成為本研究關注重點。以往在供應商評估的相關研究都是採由中心廠單方面的觀點來探討如何選擇供應商。本研究主要是經由文獻探討及彙整專家意見後建立符合汽車業現況的供應商評選模式,同時探討「汽車成車廠」及「汽車零組件供應商」雙方觀點是否存在差異並提出建議。 本研究首先進行專家訪談建立初期的研究雛型架構,並以「德爾菲法」確認本研究之架構,再以「分析網路程序法」進行研究分析求出雙方對於評選構面與準則之權重和排序。研究結果顯示「汽車成車廠」在評選供應商時評選關鍵因素最重視「誠信」及「成本」、其次為「品質」、「技術」、「交期」、「獨特能力」等構面,而「汽車零組件供應商」則最重視「誠信」及「技術」、其次為「成本」、「交期」、「品質」、「獨特能力」等構面。在評選關鍵準則部分,「汽車成車廠」最重視「能力誠信」及「合約誠信」、其次為「付款條件」、「產品成本」、「運送品質」,「汽車零組件供應商」最重視則為「能力誠信」及「付款條件」、其次為「製程技術」、「交貨正確」、「產品成本」等關鍵準則。 本研究經探討「汽車成車廠」與「零組件供應商」雙方的觀點後,確認雙方在供應商評選關鍵構面及準則重視程度確實存在差異,分析結果可提供雙方參考並檢視目前評選上的盲點降低縮小雙方認知差異,提升競爭力。


Taiwan's automobile industry is a high-tech intensive industry. In current of high industry competition, having a good supply chain management is a favorable condition for the competitiveness of enterprises. There are more than 3,000 automotive component suppliers in Taiwan, so how do companies choose and evaluate suitable suppliers is also an important factor in maintaining sustainable operations. However, due to different background of the industry, many automobile manufacturers will also change their mind when they select suppliers. How to select reliable and long-term cooperation among many suppliers has become the focus of this research. In the past, the related research on supplier selection based on the unilateral point of view of the central factory to discuss how to choose suppliers. This research is mainly to establish a supplier selection model that is in line with the current situation of the automotive industry through literature review and the compilation of expert opinions. At the same time, explores whether there are different between the views of "automobile manufacturers" and "automotive component suppliers" and makes recommendations. This research first conducts expert interviews to establish the initial research prototype structure, and confirms the structure of this research with Delphi method and then conducts research and analysis using Analytical Network Process to determine the weights and ranks of the dimensions and criteria. The results of the research show that when selecting suppliers, "Automobile Manufactures" more emphasis on "trust" and "cost" and then "quality", "skill", "delivery", and "special ability". "Automobile component suppliers" more emphasis on "Trust" and "skill" and then "cost", "delivery", "quality", "special ability". In the selection of key criteria, "Automobile Manufactures" more emphasis on "capability trust" and "contract trust" and then "payment condition", "product cost", and "delivery quality", "Automobile component suppliers" more emphasis on "capability trust" and "payment condition", "process skill", "deliver correctly", "product cost". After discussing the viewpoints of both "Automobile Manufacturers" and "Component Suppliers", this study confirmed that there are indeed differences in the key aspects and criteria of the supplier selection. The analysis results can provide both for review the current selection blind spots and decrease both cognitive gap and enhance competitiveness.


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