  • 學位論文


Cultivating the Multicultural Vision- The Development of Multicultural Consciousness and Education Practice of an Elementary School Teacher

指導教授 : 簡玉敏


摘 要 婚姻移民改變臺灣人口結構與突顯多元文化教育需求,教師具備多元文化教育素養,是落實所有學生獲得公平與正義教育的根本之道。本研究旨在了解國小教師多元文化意識之形成及多元文化教育實踐情形,並探討教師多元文化意識與教育實踐的困境與反思。研究選擇一名來自外島-馬祖,目前則在臺灣一所設有「新移民學習中心」學校服務的國小教師,以個案研究法進行資料蒐集與分析。 本研究歸納六項結論如下: 壹、個案教師的多元文化意識形成,是經由成長背景、求學過程、教職生涯與家庭婚姻中跨文化接觸和族群互動不斷開展。 貳、個案教師親身經歷弱勢處境而開啟多元文化意識。 參、個案教師的多元文化教育實踐,從具有多樣性的課程設計、文化回應教學及理解與關懷的班級經營著手。 肆、個案教師的多元文化認知與態度能轉化為多元文化教育實踐行動。 伍、個案教師從多元文化教育困境中,反思政策流於口號、課程缺乏系統性的教材與完整的授課時間,以及教師多元文化輔導能力須再精進。 陸、個案教師的多元文化意識與教育實踐,經由轉化學習與反思成為雙向互動歷程。 根據上述研究結論提出相關建議,以作為個案教師、國小教師、教育主管機關及未來研究之參考。


Marriage based immigration has changed the population structure in Taiwan and highlighted the need for multicultural education. Teachers with multicultural education knowledge are the fundamental way of making students to obtain equity and justice education. This study aims at understanding the formation of multicultural consciousness of elementary school teachers and the multicultural education practice, exploring the relationship of teachers’ multicultural consciousness and actions in education practice. This study chose an elementary school teacher from Matsu Island who is currently working at Immigrant Learning Center, Inc. (ILC) as a resource to collect and analyze data, which is a case study approach. There are six conclusions obtained in the study: 1. The multicultural consciousness of a case teacher is formed and constantly developed depending on the family background, studying process, cross-cultural contact and ethnic interaction in the teacher’s career. 2. The teacher in this case study was in weakness environment in case to create her multicultural consciousness. 3. The education practice of a case teacher could be done by multiple curriculum design from multicultural point of view, culturally responsive teaching and class management with understanding and care. 4. Multicultural consciousness and attitude of transformed to practical actions of multicultural education. 5. From the dilemma of multicultural education, the case teacher self-reflects the practice of policy, lack of systematic teaching material and complete class-time of transformation of curriculum and teaching, and further study about capability of affect guidance must be improved. 6. The multicultural consciousness and education practice of a case teacher is formed by a two-way interaction through teacher’s learning transformation and self-reflection. Related suggestions are proposed according to research results for the reference of elementary school teachers, education sectors and future researches.


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