  • 學位論文


Improving the Impedance Manufacturing Process on Touch-on-Lens by Using Six Sigma Methods

指導教授 : 周永燦


近年來觸控面板產業的規模成長快速,隨著技術成熟與成本逐漸降低,觸控技術已廣泛運用在人機介面上。觸控面板現今大多應用於智慧型手機和平板裝置,並逐漸以輕薄化及輕量化為訴求的單片式玻璃、表嵌式與內嵌式等不同觸控技術發展。為了提高觸控面板產業的競爭優勢,必須有效增加生產效率以及提升產品品質,則觸控面板的良率即成為產業競爭力的衡量指標。本研究將以TOL (Touch on Lens)觸控感應玻璃之電性測試良率作為評估標準,利用六標準差的DMAIC(Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control)改善管理流程模式,針對製程中阻抗品質不良之問題進行改善。首先定義TOL觸控感應玻璃製程關鍵品質特性,衡量量測系統與製程能力,再以田口方法篩選出關鍵影響因子,最後應用反應曲面法(Response surface methodology, RSM)找出提升電性測試良率的製程最佳參數水準組合。結果顯示,透過實際個案研究驗證發現電測良率由90.2%提升到93.6%,代表運用六標準差的DMAIC流程結合田口方法與RSM能有效改善產品電測良率的品質,並可作為未來觸控面板廠之感應玻璃製程改善參考,以此模式協助觸控面板產業提升品質並降低產品生產成本。


In recent years, the touch panel industry expanded due to the technology matures and costs decreased, touch technology has been widely used in the human-machine interface. Nowadays, most of the touch panels used in smartphones and tablet devices, they gradually become thinner and lighter such as Single Glass Solution, On-Cell and In-Cell to suit in different touch technology. In order to improve the competitive of the touch panel industry must effectively increase productivity and product quality therefore the touch panel yields act as measure of industrial competitiveness. In this study, electrical test yields of TOL (Touch on Lens) sensor glass as evaluation criteria, using of Six Sigma DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) to improve process quality problems of poor impedance in manufacturing. First, define the Critical to Quality of TOL sensor glass manufacturing process, Measurement System Analysis and capability analysis, then use the Taguchi method to filter out the key factor. At last, applying response surface methodology (RSM) to enhance the yield and find the optimal level settings of process parameters. The results showed that the electrical test yield of 90.2% was raised to 93.6%, indicating that using Taguchi methods and RSM in Six Sigma DMAIC process effectively improve the quality of product yield through actual case studies. In the future, the improved process can be used as a reference, by using the mode to help improve the quality and reduce production costs in touch panel industry.


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