  • 學位論文


A Study of Relation between Teachers’ Happiness and Teaching Efficacy: An Example of Private Elementary & Junior High Schools in Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 樊愛群


教師幸福感與教學效能關係之研究-以桃園縣私立國中小學為例 摘 要 本研究旨在探討桃園縣私立國中小學教師幸福感與教學效能之現況,並分析教師幸福感與教學效能間之相關性以及幸福感對教學效能的預測情形。 研究採問卷調查法,以桃園縣私立國中小學教師為母群體,採比例抽樣法,抽取桃園縣12所私立國中小學,共129位教師為實際有效樣本。使用工具包括「教師幸福感調查問卷」與「教師教學效能調查問卷」兩種,資料處理以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、典型相關以及逐步多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析。本研究結果歸納如下: 一、 桃園縣私立國中小學教師之整體幸福感屬中高程度,其中以「社會活動」層陎感受最高,而以「身體健康」層陎感受最低。 二、 桃園縣私立國中小學教師之整體教學效能屬中高程度,其中以「建立和諧師生關係」層陎最高,而「教師自我效能亯念」與「系統呈現教材內容」層陎有待加強。 三、 桃園縣私立國中小學教師不同「性別」、「教育程度」、「年齡」、「服務年資」與「擔任職務」等變項上,幸福感受並無差異。 四、 桃園縣私立國中小學教師以41歲以上、服務年資達11年以上,其教學效能較高。 五、 教師幸福感與教學效能二者呈中度正相關,亦具顯著典型相關。 六、 教師幸福感各層陎中,以「社會活動」對整體教師教學效能最具預測力。 根據上述結果提出建議,為提出具體建議,以供教育行政主管機關、私立國中小學校長、教師及未來研究者之參考。


A Study of Relation between Teachers’ Happiness and Teaching Efficacy: An Example of Private Elementary & Junior High Schools in Taoyuan County Abstract This study is aimed to examine teachers’ happiness and teaching efficacy and the relationship between these factors in private elementary and junior high schools in Taoyuan County, Taiwan. Conducted mainly by means of questionnaire survey, the study used proportional sampling to collect 129 valid samples from 12 private elementary and junior high schools in Taoyuan County. The two questionnaires employed here were “Teachers’ happiness questionnaire” and “Teaching efficacy questionnaire”. The survey data were analyzed using a variety of statistics methods including: descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, canonical correlation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The main findings are listed as follows: 1. The private elementary and junior high school teachers scored over average on happiness, with “social activities” the best, and “state of health” coming the lowest. 2. The private elementary and junior high school teachers scored over average on teaching efficacy, with “creating a harmonious teacher-student relationship"the best, and "teacher self-efficacy" and "system presents teaching materials." coming the lowest. 3. No differences were found in all of the aspects of teachers’ happiness, taking into consideration demographic variations in teachers’ “gender”, “education”, “age”, “years of teaching experience”, and “position”. 4. The teachers who got higher scores on teaching efficacy are those who are over 41 years old, with more than 11 years teaching experience. 5. Teachers’ happiness was significantly related to teaching efficacy. 6. Teachers’ happiness was found to predict a significant amount of the variance in teaching efficacy. Among those teachers’ happiness aspects, “social activities” effects teaching efficacy most. Based on the findings above, practical suggestions were provided as a reference for educational administrators, principals, and teachers and as a guide for future research.


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