  • 學位論文


Evaluation of Vibration Characteristics for Taipei WenHu MRT Line on Viaduct

指導教授 : 陳逸駿


本研究採用前人於台北捷運文湖線之振動量測資料,進一步分析捷運行駛引致之地盤振動特徵。文湖線之結構由橋樑設有深基礎組成,而土層形式主要為沖積土層。本研究針對低-中-高頻率帶與21個各別頻率之分析結果進行討論,以瞭解衰減係數及影響距離與土層、距離、頻率之相互關係。 分析結果顯示21個各別頻率之衰減係數介於0.001至0.0175 (1/m)之間。與剪力波速之關係呈現剪力波速越大衰減係數越小之趨勢,與頻率之間的關係則呈現頻率越高衰減係數越高的趨勢。 在影響距離方面,整體振動量之影響距離約在74 m與113 m之間,低頻率帶影響之影響距離為95 m至273 m之間,中頻率帶之影響距離介於116 m至274 m之間,而高頻率帶之影響距離介於45 m至75 m之間。主要影響距離之控制頻率為低頻率帶以及中頻率帶,高頻率帶帶之影響距離則較短。 在21個各別頻率分析中,影響距離介於100 m與750 m之間,呈現剪力波速越高影響距離越短之趨勢。分析5個測點各班次列車之影響距離,主要影響距離之控制頻率分別為8、10、10、20、20 (Hz),頻率集中於低頻率帶及中頻率帶。 台北捷運與高速鐵路之分析結果比較顯示,捷運之衰減係數大於高鐵之衰減係數,捷運之影響距離小於高鐵之影響距離。主要原因可能為車身長度、車體重量、車速等因素,造成能量傳遞之快慢及遠近。


This study used the previous measurement data to further analyze the ground vibration characteristics for Taipei WenHu MRT line. The main structure type for Taipei WenHu MRT line is viaduct with deep foundation, and the soil type is alluvial deposit. This study focused on the analysis of various frequency types, including low frequency range, middle frequency range, high frequency range, overall frequency range, and 21 individual frequencies, to observe the relationships between the attenuation coefficient or influence distance and soil type, measurement distance, and frequency. The attenuation coefficient for 21 individual frequencies ranges from 0.001 to 0.0175 (1/m). The results show that the higher of ground shear wave velocity, the lower of attenuation coefficient is. Meanwhile, the attenuation coefficient increases while the frequency is higher. For the analysis of influence distance, the influence distances of overall, low, middle and high frequency ranges are 74-113 m, 95-273 m, 116-274 m, and 45-75 m, respectively. The main frequency with larger influence distance happens at low and middle frequency ranges. However, the influence distance in the high frequency range is shorter. The influence distances for 21 individual frequencies are between 100 and 750 m. Furthermore, the influence distance reduces with increasing ground shear wave velocity. Based on these analyses of 5 measurement sites, the main controlled frequency of influence distance is 8, 10, 10, 20, 20 Hz for each site. These controlled frequencies mainly happen at low and middle frequencies. Comparing the Taipei MRT and Taiwan high-speed trains, analysis results show that the attenuation coefficient of MRT is higher than that of high-speed trains and the influence distance of MRT is smaller than that of high-speed trains. The reasons may be attributed to the difference of rail length, rail weight and train speed, etc.


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