  • 學位論文


Research on Power Transformation Circuit of Wind Power Generation System

指導教授 : 范憶華




In this paper, we design a wind power generation system to convert the AC voltage output from the wind turbine through the full bridge rectification change from AC to DC voltage in the wind turbine. Due to the fact that the wind power generation varies with the difference of the wind speed that produce unstable AC voltage. This paper use of DC / DC converter through the rectifier with the difference of the wind turbine generator output to produce a different DC voltage into a sufficient battery charge voltage. At the same time, DC / DC converters charge the battery and transmit energy to the inverter, converting the resulting DC voltage to an AC voltage of 220V during the windless state. As a result, the energy stored in the battery can be temporarily used as an alternative power source to provide an inverter reach into AC power uninterruptible power system. In order to make the wind turbine at lower wind speed Voltage that can also charge the battery. Therefore the battery need to increase the DC / DC converter input voltage range. In this paper we use two different specifications of the DC / DC converter, then through the input voltage range of the expansion combination of the two diodes to make the range of acceptable wind speeds becomes wider.


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