  • 學位論文


The Discretional Evaluation of Evidence in the Cheng Hsing Tse Case from the Perspective of Forensic Psychology

指導教授 : 徐偉群


我國程序法賦予職司審判的法官有自由判斷所有卷證之權利,但並非主觀的自由心證即能據此凌駕於客觀的法定證據之上,法官審判時仍須受到法定證據主義的箝制。然而,法官做為認定事實之裁判者,也許並非如一般人所認知是透過證據得出裁判。事實上,左右司法判決有罪抑或無罪之關鍵,「證據」可能退居於次要,反而係由其他非客觀的因素影響法官對於案件的心證,進而導致判決結果的不同。 鑑於我國司法研究多著重於證據法則或程序正義的討論,本文擬藉由心理學於法律上之應用,提出以認知心理學為基礎之「故事模型理論」,分析審判者於面對卷證資料之時,會透過建構敘事化故事來處理審判資訊再以此做成判決。並據以推論在此一認知思維的過程中,法官的判斷會受到如法官之人格特性、內部階級文化、偏見以及外在刺激等多種因素之影響,進而導致判決結果有所不同。試圖藉此解釋本文所舉之刑事實務案例-鄭性澤案,以做為探究該案司法判決產生偏誤之原因。


The procedural laws in our jurisdiction offer those judges who are in charge of manufacturing judgements and verdicts have the free right with regards to the examination of all evidential data, but those judges are still guided by the legal evidences due to the fact that the discretional evidences have not been given the priority; it is, however, beyond the expectation of the general public, since judges who perform as fact-finding examiners are perhaps not generating judgements through the examination of all evidential data. The evidence may, in fact, not perform as decisive factors in the decision making of "guilty" or "not guilty"; nevertheless, there exists more partial elements which could affect those discretional evidences created by judges are resulting in different earlier stated outcomes. Due to the fact that there essentially are focusing on discussions of the evidential rules and the justices of procedure regarding the legal research in Taiwan. By showing how the psychology applied in the law implementation, this dissertation presents the theory of story model via the basis of consciously psychology, in order to analyse how those decision makers who gained evidential data will firstly digest by means of establishing discretional stories and then offering judgements or verdicts; furthermore, this dissertation will attempt to summarise how the procedure of the prior noted establishment which is affected by personnel characters of judges, the inner cultural system of the court, prejudices, and those stimulations outside the court is conducting to different decisions. The Cheng's criminal case in this dissertation which is discussed is trying to obtain some clues of probably prejudices relating its judicial decision.


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