  • 學位論文

應用六標準差手法於卡車大樑沖孔模具力平衡設計流程之研究-以A 公司為例

Apply Six Sigma Method to Study Press DIE Force Balance in Stamping Procedure for Truck Chassis Frame -The Case of A Company

指導教授 : 曾世賢


中文摘要 面對全球景氣急遽變化及競爭與科技的日新月異,「技術創新」將成為企業獲勝的關鍵因素,技術創新的前瞻具體做法即是投入「研究」的工作。 有鑑於此本研究以六標準差(6 Sigma)的D-M-A-I-C步驟運用於卡車大樑沖孔模具力平衡設計流程之研究。試圖建立一套標準化之流程機制,運用在模具實務設計作業流程,讓在實務作業有所依循,藉以滿足客戶要求品質穩定之需求,降低整修工時提昇效率,進而達到提昇市場競爭力之目的。 沖床在沖壓工件時,其產生的力量會對工件產生一定程度地力矩(力x力臂),這些力矩若過大將會使工件產生彎矩。為改善此現象,增加沖壓次數能有效地藉由分批承受力量以減少每次承受之力量使工件不至於失效。若沖壓型式為沖孔,且沖孔數量眾多並散布在整塊工件上,可藉由重新分配沖孔順序使工件均勻受力,不會因為不平衡量過大而使之失效。 在本研究中使用AutoCAD工程繪圖軟體來觀察現有工件,並且使用Excel工具來執行工件資料整理與模具改良的工作。結果顯示,將沖頭長度按照特定邏輯重新分布後,能有效地改善各沖程所承受之力矩,使工件更不容易產生彎矩。依本研究SOP (Standard Operation Procedure)手法步驟進行模具設計建構,已實際應用於A公司獲得不錯之成效。從沖孔採模具化生產工藝產品製程能力指數Cpk值,可以了解其沖壓製程產品可達Cpk1.66~1.93,產品已可達A等級充分滿足顧客需求。本研究也成功地建置了大樑模具設計流程SOP (Standard Operation Procedure),除無形提升技術人員設計信心外,同時也提升對外競爭能力贏取訂單,估算整體模具開發可為A公司再創造3~4千萬元之營業收入。 關鍵詞: 沖孔、彎矩、工件之不平衡量、模具改良。


Abstract With the rapid alteration of global economy and technology, the technique innovation would become the key success factor for enterprises. Then the proactive practice of technological innovation is to initiate the research. Base on the above, this study using D-M-A-I-C steps of Six Sigma, applying in the truck chassis frame of press DIE force balance in the stamping process design. Besides, this study attempts to establish a standard operating procedures(SOP), which puts into mold design practice operating procedures, in order to be the reference in practical operation, cutting down failure costs and improve efficiency, so as to achieve the goal of enhancing the market competitiveness. Stamping will create force moment to material parts in a certain degree. If force moment is too large, material parts will be observed the condition of the bending moment. To improve the situation, increase the frequency of punching would effectively reduce moment taken by material parts each time in a manner of batch moment taken. For punch type of stamping, which numerous distributed on the material parts, can make material parts taken force evenly by redistributing the order of punch, preventing failure due to large unbalance amount. The purpose of this study is to discuss how to reduce the bending moment from stamping by changing the length of punch pin in the mold equipment. The method to carry out this study is using AutoCAD, a kind of engineering drawing software, to observe the material part son hand, and using Excel to carry out the data management and the mold improvement. The finding shows that there is low frequency to occur bending moment with the redistribution of the length of punch pin in specific logical manners, which helps to effectively improve a moment of force taken by each stroke. The idea of mold design based on SOP in this study has been applied in A company, and have received good feedback effect. The value range of Cpk, a process capability index, which helps to understand products with stamping process, from 1.66 to 1.93 implies that the product level is six-sigma level, which means that the product has zero defect, and fully meets the customers’ needs. This study successfully built a standard operating procedure for mold design of chassis frame, which not only increases technicians’ confidences, but enhances external competitiveness. In view of this, it predicts that the all mold development would help A company increase thirty to forty million for operating income. Key words: punch, bending moment, unbalance amount of workpiece, mold improvement.


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