  • 學位論文


The Molar Heat Capacity Measurements for the Aqueous Tertiary Amine (1DMAP and 3DMAP)/Polyamine ( DETA and TETA ) Solutions

指導教授 : 李夢輝


由於最近全球暖化日益嚴重,減少二氧化碳的問題是刻不容緩的;可以發現胺類具良好的吸水性。故發現最近值得研究的是混合胺,可貢獻於捕獲二氧化碳。除了具吸收二氧化碳的熱物理性質,莫耳熱容量在二氧化碳捕集中扮演著重要角色。 本研究使用示差掃描熱量計 (Differential Scanning Calorimeter, DSC) 量測三元醇胺和多元胺水溶液之莫耳比熱。本實驗所會用到的三元醇胺(Tertiary amine)與多元胺(Polyamines)分別為1-dimethylamino-2-propanol (1DMAP)、3-dimethylamino-1-propanol (3DMAP) 與Diethylenetriamine (DETA) 、Triethylenetetramine (TETA)。純物質系統為Tertiary Amines (1DMAP和3DMAP)。雙成分系統 (Tertiary Amines/H2O) 之濃度範圍為x Tertiary Amines = 0.1 ~ 0.9;三成分系統 (Tertiary Amines/Polyamines/H2O) 則固定水的濃度為70 wt%與60%,當水濃度為70 wt%,三元醇胺與多元胺類濃度比例為 (25/5, 20/10, 15/15, 10/20 wt%) ; 若水濃度為60 wt%,三元醇胺與多元胺類濃度比例為 (35/5, 30/10, 20/20, 10/30 wt%)。量測溫度範圍為3080C,實驗比熱 (Cp) 之uncertainty為  2%。 實驗所量測之純物質莫耳比熱,使用二次方經驗式做迴歸計算,並以溫度的函數來表示;雙成分系統以RedlichKister-type equation關係式來表示過剩莫耳比熱 ( );三成分系統則使用Söhnel and Novotný關係式。本實驗所使用之關係式皆正確表示純物質、雙成分及三成分之實驗數據,比較實驗值與其迴歸之結果,並加以討論,得此實驗值和迴歸計算值具良好的符合性,研究結果可作程序設計流體能量的計算依據,及工廠設計汽提塔、熱交換器時,吸收劑的比熱將會是設計數據的參考值。


Due to global warming is increasing recently, the issue of reducing carbon dioxide is much important; we could find amine that is good absorbent in the literature. Blended amines are worth exploring recent research projects, as they contribute to properties of carbon dioxide capture. In addition to absorbing carbon dioxide thermo-physical properties, molar heat capacity in carbon dioxide capture plays an important role. In this study, the heat capacities of ternary systems of polyamines (DETA, TETA)/(1DMAP, 3DMAP)/H2O were measured over the temperature range of 3080C and different solute concentrations: (1DMAP, 3DMAP)/Polyamines (5/35, 20/20, 30/10, 35/5wt%) + water (60wt%) and (1DMAP, 3DMAP)/Polyamines (10/20, 15/15, 20/10, 25/5 wt%) + water(70wt%) using a heat flux differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). For the pure systems, the temperature dependence of the molar heat capacity was represent by a second order equation. The obtained CP data were correlated as function temperature and composition using a RedlichKister expansion and a modified Söhnel and Novotný equation for the binary aqueous polyamines solutions and ternary aqueous systems, respectively. Thus, it can be said the proposed correlations in this study that can be utilized to yield reliable estimation of the heat capacities of the studied systems.


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楊淵瑄(2017)。混合醇胺 (三級醇胺 4-DMAB, DMAPD + 多元胺 DAP, DETA, MAPA) 水溶液之莫耳比熱量測研究〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201700348
