  • 學位論文


A Study on Implementation Effects and Problems of the Hospitality Technical Arts Educational Program for Junior High School :A Planned Grouping Based Technical Arts Education Program as Examples

指導教授 : 楊百世


本研究旨在瞭解國中技藝教育餐旅職群專班的實施成效,以及辦理過程遭遇的問題及解決途徑。本研究採質性個案研究的方法,以參與X國中技藝專案編班餐旅職群課程師生為研究對象,透過深度訪談、參與觀察及文件檔案分析等方法蒐集資料,經過編碼和分析,歸納研究結果如下: 一、餐旅職群技藝教育實施成效 (一) 學生表現良好:1. 學生能展現自信。2. 學生能發揮團隊精神, (二) 政策具積極意義。 二、餐旅職群技藝教育的問題及解決途徑 (一) 行政運作的問題與解決途徑方面 1. 學生因不適應、課業或同儕相處問題而欲退班,造成行政作業上的負擔問題,透過訂定選讀技藝教育學程推薦辦法,確定學生退班的行政流程。 2. 學生選讀技藝教育受家長的影響問題,透過加強對家長的宣導以學生的性向及興趣為導向 3. 技藝教育相關研習偏少問題,希望教育主管機關增加辦理技藝教育研習場次。 (二) 課程與教學的問題與解決途徑方面 1. 部分學生對餐旅職群之職業性向不高,以致餐旅職群課程學習興趣低落的問題,教師已透過多元教學方法使學生融入課程。 2. 因實作課程為大班教學,以致在實施個別評量上產生困難,教師已透過操作過程中的半成品以及學習單施以個別評量。 3. 因辦理餐旅職群之學校數眾多且師生皆強烈希望取得技藝競賽獎項,致餐旅職群技藝競賽競爭激烈之問題,希望教育主管單位勿過早讓各校知道競賽題目,俾免過早準備造成學生壓力。 (三) 教學環境與設備的問題與解決途徑方面 因高職與國中合作辦理技藝教育使高職設備過度使用,致使高職設備加速耗損之問題,請教育部與高職端共同設法解決。 (四) 學生輔導的問題與解決途徑方面 1. 因多數學生於一、二年級學習成就低落且技藝課程排擠在校上課時間,致使技藝教育專案編班,平均課業表現明顯低落的問題,冀因應學生能力調整教學目標和方法,以提供學生成功的學習經驗。 2. 因學生係來自不同班級,致使技藝教育專案編班在開班初期有班級向心力不足之問題,希多參與學校共同活動強化班級向心力。


The purpose of the study was to find out what effects and problems on the hospitality technical arts educational program for junior high school. This research conducted through the method of the qualitative case study. The researcher collected the data by in-depth interview, observation and document analysis. There are conclusions in this study as follows: 1. There are two effects on the hospitality technical arts educational program for junior high school: The first, the program promotes students’ vocational exploration. The last, students find out their confidence and act confidently and that they own and show their team spirit. 2. There are four aspects of those problems on the hospitality technical arts educational program for junior high school as follows: (1) There are three problems in the aspect of the administrative operation: The first, the application on returning the original class disturbs the administrative staff. The second, parents’ opinions conduct the decision about students entering technical arts educational programs for junior high school or not. The last, courses about technical arts educational program for teachers are too less. (2) There are three problems in the aspect of the curriculum and instruction:The first, some students only have a few of interest in the hospitality technical arts educational program. The second, students always practicing at the same time cause the difficult on individual assessments. The last, hospitality skill competitors get much stress to practice for the contest.。 (3) There is a problem in the aspect of the learning environment and equipment: hospitality technical arts educational programs implementing in senior vocational schools accelerate the wear-out failure of equipment. (4) There are two problems in the aspect of the students guidance: The first, the students in the planned grouping based technical arts education program are with low academic achievements. The last, forming the class unity was a challenge at first.


