  • 學位論文


A Study of Stereotype Effects on Tourists’ Staying Intention of Pilgrim Building

指導教授 : 楊芝澐


台灣因特殊的地理位置及文化背景,形成「五步一小廟,十步一大廟」的宗教信仰盛況。為滿足參拜信徒對餐飲及住宿的需求,寺廟利用多餘香油錢興建香客大樓,以提供香客住宿;這一兩年來更興建似飯店設備環境的香客大樓吸引更多觀光客及香客。但本研究觀察到,民眾常因曾經住過較簡陋的香客大樓,便將這類印象概括延伸至全體的香客大樓,並對其他香客大樓住宿環境抱持著同樣的住宿期望。 本研究想達到以下目的:瞭解個案廟宇中興建香客大樓的理念與沿革、一般民眾對香客大樓的印象,以及造成印象的來源為何?瞭解遊客對香客大樓是否具有刻板印象?遊客是否會因對香客大樓住宿環境認知的改變,而降低其原本對於香客大樓的刻板印象並提升其住宿意圖。最後,瞭解優質香客大樓的存在與發展,是否會影響旅館及民宿業者的經營發展。 經由個案訪談、半開放式問卷、實驗設計問卷,於民國九十九年一月至四月間進行調查,刻板印象來源有效問卷有127份,實驗設計部份有效問卷則有488份,回收後採用SPSS12.0統計套裝軟體進行分析。 分析結果如下:(1)刻板印象來源有三種分別為:傳播媒體的刻板印象、民眾本身的刻板印象、來自廟宇的刻板印象。(2)不管民眾或遊客,刻板印象改變前後捐獻的香油錢有明顯差異變多。(3)不管民眾或遊客,刻板印象改變後,住宿意願有明顯差異且正向增多。(4)不同月收入的遊客,在捐獻香油錢改變程度上有明顯差異。(5)不同學歷及婚姻的遊客,在住宿意圖改變程度上有明顯差異。


Due to special geographical location and cultural background, religion is develope rapidly at Taiwan. Near temples, there has large demands on food and accommodation, therefore the director of temple use extra donation to build the pilgrim building. The past two years, the director of temple started to build pilgrim building as like as the hotel to attract more tourists and pilgrims. The purposes of this research: first, why is the director of temple want to build the pilgrim building like hotel, second, do tourists have stereotypes on pilgrim building? If tourists change their images on pilgrim building, will their staying intention of pilgrim building increase? Finally, is the existence of high-quality pilgrim building has effects on the operation and development of hotel and R&B? The results are as follows: (1) There are three sources of stereotypes: media, people’s experiences of staying pilgrim building, people’s images of temple. (2) No matter the public or tourists, once the stereotype of piligrim building is reduced, there is significant difference on donation. (3) No matter the public or tourists, once the stereotype of piligrim building is reduced, the staying intention of piligrim building will increase significantly. (4) Visitors of different monthly income, the degree of changes in the donation were significantly different. (5) Visitors of different education and marriage, the degree of changes in staying intention were significantly different.


王怜雅與張鳴珊(2006)。由遊客觀點探討媽祖遶境文化與休閒之研究。嘉南學報, 32,744-757。
呂以榮(2006)。老中青三代對老人刻板印象之調查-以台南市為例。台灣老人保健學刊, 2(2),90-104。
