  • 學位論文


The Impacts of Virtual Experiences on People’s Travel Intentions: A Motion-Sensing Video Game Study

指導教授 : 石岳峻


隨著從事冒險旅遊的人口增加,為旅宿業者和旅遊目的地管理組織提供新商機。此外,由於虛擬實境(Virtual Reality)提供旅遊前的事先虛擬體驗,在實際旅遊之外產生更佳的旅遊功能服務、並增加旅遊目的地吸引力,現已成為重要的旅遊行銷工具之一。而作為虛擬實境代表應用之一的體感遊戲,也因為無須再依賴手持控制器,可直接偵測玩家的肢體動作,即能產生互動,顛覆傳統遊戲玩法,改變許多人對遊戲的刻版印象。 本研究之目的是以流暢理論了解冒險遊憩遊戲的虛擬體驗,對使用者至冒險遊憩活動旅遊地意圖的影響。研究採用Microsoft Xbox 360 + Kinect體感遊戲機上的冒險遊憩遊戲─Forza Motorsport 4《極限競速4》作為體驗主題,於2012年3月於國立高雄餐旅大學進行施測,採便利抽樣,邀請受測者參與冒險遊戲體驗和填寫問卷資料收集,發放250份問卷,回收214份有效問卷,回收率達85.6%。本研究結果說明使用者體驗冒險遊戲後,其流暢體驗狀態與流暢體驗前置因素─挑戰與技巧平衡、回饋明確、失去自我意識等與流暢體驗呈現正向的關係,流暢體驗狀態對旅遊意圖也有正向影響。研究結果建議旅遊業者可以結合冒險遊憩活動場域與體感遊戲,開發讓使用者產生較強流暢體驗的冒險遊憩遊戲,藉由體感遊戲的擬真特性帶動消費者事先體驗旅遊景點的遊憩活動,提升對冒險遊憩活動的瞭解或強化其對該目的地印象,增加前往旅遊的意圖。


Adventure tourism is currently experiencing strong growth as interest in more active and healthy lifestyles increases, and outdoor pursuits become more fashionable and mainstream. The growth in adventure tourism present for accommodation providers and destination management organizations. In addition, Virtual Reality is becoming a means of reducing the negative impacts of tourism and a marketing tool to increase a destination's appeal. As a virtual revolution in emerging media environments, it is believed that the motion-sensing video game will gain more attention and become more pervasive as a new marketing tool in destination marketing. The purpose of this study is to investigate flow theory in understanding the impacts of virtual experiences of Microsoft Xbox 360+Kinect motion-sensing adventure game on people’s travel intentions. People at The Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism would be chosen as participants and data would be collected since March, 2012, entailing over 214 usable surveys. The study results demonstrate that the antecedents of flow and flow experiences in motion-sensing Adventure game positively associated with people’s intentions to take an actual trip. By engaging in a motion-sensing Adventure game and experiencing enhanced flow, customers can develop consideration and awareness in their potential destination choice.


李佳恩 (2008)。客製化在旅遊知識與團體旅遊意願關係間的角色。未出版碩士論文,國立高雄餐旅大學,高雄市。
