  • 學位論文


A Study of Tourists's Behavioral Intention Toward a Food Festival:A case of Neimen Banzhuo

指導教授 : 林宜親


本研究主要目的為探討遊客參與內門辦桌美食節慶活動之行為意圖,以計畫行為理論(Theory of Planned Behavior)為基礎。本研究問卷發展主要彙整美食節慶與觀光相關文獻,進行專家審閱,包含對內門辦桌美食節慶之態度、主觀規範、知覺行為控制、行為意圖、個人背景變項以及美食節慶參與經驗等部分。於2012年3月中旬針對高雄內門參與辦桌美食節慶之遊客以便利性抽樣進行施測,共回收521份有效問卷。研究結果發現,本研究樣本以41-50歲女性且已婚有子女為居多,大部分多以第一次參加內門辦桌美食節慶活動,參與目的主要為休閒渡假,平均花費低於1,000元以下。同時,經由分析所得,本研究樣本在參與內門辦桌美食節慶之「態度」、「知覺行為控制」對「行為意圖」間皆有顯著正向之影響,其中又以「態度」為前往內門辦桌美食節慶活動之重要因素。故本研究建議內門當地業者及其他地方政府相關單位,應強化整體宣傳行銷、加強美食節慶活動內容和硬體設施規劃,以吸引更多遊客參與內門辦桌美食節慶,瞭解在地傳統美食文化,以利發展永續的美食觀光。


This study aims at understanding the main factors influencing potential tourists’ behavioral intentions toward food festivals, based on the Theory of Planned Behavior. The instrument used in this study consists of the following sections: attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, behavioral intentions, personal background, and experiences of participating in food festivals. The questionnaires were distributed to tourists in March 2012 by using convenience sampling, and a total of 521 valid responses were obtained. Results showed that most respondents were married women between the ages of 41~50. Most of them were first time visitors in Neimen food festival activity. They spend an average of over $1000 dollars in the festival activity. The results further showed that respondents’ attitudes and perceived behavioral control toward food festivals have significantly positive effects on behavioral intentions. Respondents indicated that the detailed food festival related tourism attitude was critical in determining whether to visit a food festival or not. Therefore, in order to attract more tourists to the local food festivals in understanding local food culture, a more comprehensive tourism program developed and promoted by local government and tourism marketers is needed. In this way, the development of sustainable food tourism can be achieved.


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