  • 學位論文


Application of Deer Antlers in Taiwanese Virility Enhancement Diets

指導教授 : 潘江東


飲食是生物維持生命的基本要素,「吃」是生物與生俱來的本能,而「飽」則是大自然生物每天追求的基本目的。當飢餓感消失後,人們接著從事更高層次的追求。「藥食同源」為大中華傳統飲食的一大特色,女性膳食首重美容養顏,男性則對於滋補強壯、補精固腎特別有興趣,其中鹿茸為台灣男性滋補最重視的食材之一。鹿茸自古以來以壯陽著稱,是宮廷御醫所推崇的壯陽珍品,壯陽食材在男性的飲食需求上錦上添花,期許食用後房事表現能更上一層樓,而生理機能難免隨著年紀增加而逐漸退化,讓男性對於「強壯」的追求不曾間斷。 古代許多養生哲學流傳自今,深植國人心中,也實踐於飲食範疇,「陰陽調和」、「五行均衡」、「藥食同源」等形而上的理念,讓中華飲食產生一定的規範,進而形成一套養生模式,「壯陽」觀念也深印其中,但現代醫學的進步,醫藥的專業分科與壯陽藥的盛行,傳統壯陽食物遭受極大挑戰,當傳統食療不再是唯一選擇時,早期的食材變異性,確實值得探討。研究者針對鹿茸在台灣男性同胞壯陽飲食中的角色及功能做深入研究。本文以鹿茸為探討中心,分別以質性研究的文獻分析法,及深度訪談為主要研究方法。探討台灣男性在壯陽需求下,食用鹿茸的動機與想法;輔以古代醫學專著對於鹿茸療效的記錄,將鹿茸運用在壯陽範疇,做詳細記錄與分析。期盼本研究能確立鹿茸在眾多壯陽食材中的獨特運用性。


陽痿 鹿茸 壯陽 養生 性功能障礙


Food is a basic source of human vitality. “Eating” is a natural and inborn ability of all biological species and “eating enough” is a basic goal they pursue every day. After hunger is satisfied, human have other pursuits in higher levels. “Medicines and diets are of the same origin” is a major feature of traditional Chinese diets. Women pay attention to skin and beauty care in their diets, while men are particularly interested in virility enhancement and kidneys protection. Among the various food materials believed to offer such effects, deer antlers are most popular among Taiwanese males. Deer antlers have been known for their virility boosting effects since long ago and were dominant materials that imperial doctors used to supplement the emperor’s virility. Virility enhancement diets have added the diversity of men’s diets. Men take them in hope of enhancing their sexual performance. With the growth and weakening of their physical functions, men have never ceased their pursuit of “strength and power”. Many of the ancient philosophies of health have been passed on to and practiced by domestic people. Some of these concepts such as “yin and yang congruity”, “equilibrium of the five elements”, and “medicines and diets are of the same origin” have become the norms of Chinese diets and further formed a health preservation model. The idea of “virility enhancement” is also deeply rooted in this model. However, with the advancement of modern medicine and increasing prevalence of sexual enhancement pills, traditional virility enhancement diets have been challenged. While there are alternatives to traditional diet therapies, the variability of traditional food materials should be examined and investigated. This study investigated the role and functions of deer antlers in diet of Taiwanese males. With a focus on deer antlers, this study conducted literature review and in-depth interview to explore Taiwanese males’ motivation and idea of eating deer antlers. Besides, this study also investigated the ancient medical records about the therapeutic effects of deer antlers to analyze applications of deer antlers for virility enhancement. The aim of this study was to clarity the unique applicability of deer antlers among the various virility enhancement food materials.




